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Hacking, a belief system

Hacking, a belief system

By ghostghost | 11395 Reads |
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Most of us know the feeling, the feeling that needs to be experienced to understand. Sitting in the late night hour with your drug of choice, whether it is caffeine, nicotine, adrenaline or power, we all experience some of these at some point. We are so submerged in the world of our own creation that we barely feel the lack of sleep. Most hackers have trouble fitting in with the world at large and it is for that very same people that I write this article. Let’s take a step back for a second and think about the computer world.

The freemasons (no I’m not one of them) uses a very interesting method of explaining it’s teachings that I am going to present to you in this article. They take real life things and use it’s symbolism to teach under laying truths to their apprentices. For example, they might teach that decisions are like an eraser. When you make a mistake you take the eraser and wipe away what you did wrong and then go back and do it over. There may be left markings of what you originally did but the do over is much more noticeable. Crummy I know but bear with me!

Let’s take hacking for an example, what is the first thing that you do when you view hack a website? You view the source. Now take that same principle and apply that to the world at large. When trying to manipulate a situation you first need look at the situation objectively (source) and then understand what makes it tick (HTML). This is a very basic example but it will give you an idea of where I’m going with this.

Another example is cracking password hashes, when trying to get the known out of the unknown; you need to apply every possible known to it. You may end up doing trying different things a million times but at least you then know what million things don’t work. Just like the invention of the light bulb.

Have you ever noticed the name’s that they use in the matrix? If you have then you would know without a shadow of a doubt that the script was influenced by religious/spiritual minded people. There is a grain of truth hidden in that movie and no we are not enslaved by robots. Neo starts out in crappy apartment where he plays a hacker and then comes on to be the one. You can do (almost) the same thing in a sense. He was a God in the computer world and when he discovered that he is in fact living in a digital reality, it became second nature to apply the same principles there.

Hackers (by definition) are masters of the digital world. You can take that same mastery and transfuse it into the world at large. The only reason that a teenage hacker will get beat up in high school is because they have not used the known to find the unknown solution. Not because they want to get the $hit get kicked out of them but because they can’t comprehend the immense control that they have. Hacking is a way of life, so start exploiting!

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

applaudes Nice read.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

The only reason that a teenage hacker will get beat up in high school is because they have not used the known to find the unknown solution. Or, it could be because they deserved it! I know several online a$sholes that think they are king shit and, they just deserve to have most of their files deleted (hehe ;)) (or…in the "real world" the living shit kicked out of them! <–again hehe ;)).

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

I have to agree on that one! But then agian they are only acting like they are the shit because they want to feel significant (which will explain their motivation to hack as well) and that means that they are having trouble dealing with the reality that they are just a normal human. To all those people: YOU ARE THE LIVING BREATHING CRAP OF THE HUMAN RACE!

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Or, it could be because they deserved it! I know several online a$sholes that think they are king shit and, they just deserve to have most of their files deleted (hehe ) (or…in the "real world" the living shit kicked out of them! <–again hehe ).

Yea lol, most of which belong to runescape!

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

great article

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 18 years ago

Nice work dude :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

This is by far the best article I have read in months. Well done! :D

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

Very Good. I think you could of elaborated more on applying that thinking to real life situations tho.