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I'm just another one...

I'm just another one...

By ghostghost | 11045 Reads |
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Every night this week, I have gone to bed with the same feeling. Only to wake up the next morning with my patience reloaded in full. Well I'm going to write this while I have it in my head.

I'm just another one. Another malicious, teen hacker. I recently opened a website with basic computer help. Pretty much nothing to do with hacking. As I opened this site I was greeted with tens of comments reading "You know this is illegal?!" or something to that sort. It really does show how dense the world today is, baffled my the media headlines about 'Hackers break into bank'. Giving us a bad name yet again.

Yeah, again I was pushed around today. My opinion matters not in this real world. But the world WE have created, OUR world, I can be as influential as I want. No one can push me around here, it is my home. The internet is my unlimited library, and I know all the cracks and tricks to it. Sometimes it seems this world we have created it a little better than living in a drug-invested, war-writtled, world. How corrupt do things have to get?

Well, I know I rambled a tad, but hopefully someone can understand the situation I am, and many more h4x0r5 are in today. I am not a bad person, just misunderstood….

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Haha jst see the bright side of things and laugh at their ignorance :P

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Preach on Brother!!

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Halaluya, (or how ever you spell that;))Amen Brother

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Nice work, i totally agree with your opinion there.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

your correct in every thing you said we as hackers are misunderstood.when the general public thinks of a hacker they think of someone destroying countless computers and data basis for no apperant reason.As a wiseman once said,"our only crime is that of curiosity, we are hackers and this is our manifesto,you may stop me but you wont stop us all. KEEP ON HACKING ,A-HACK

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

youu the man mikey d.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Go with it all the way, right on

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

thats pretty good d00d i totally see where you're coming from

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Agreed with everything you said, computers are slowly taking over out world, why not get a head start :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

I know how you feel, Im not good enough at this to name myself as a hacker quite yet, but I have understanding of the subject. when I tell people that Im interested in hacing, they looks at me like Im plausible of drawing a knife and attack them any time.. :(

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago

You sound like another poser skiddy really.

bahpomet1105's avatar
bahpomet1105 9 years ago

We are all programmers and hackers alike working toward goals of the community for the current time. We exist for the purpose to teach help and survive. Without us there would be no freedom. So I say We are the new way of life.