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App9 the very easy way.*possible spoiler*

App9 the very easy way.*possible spoiler*

By ghostghost | 7725 Reads |
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Okay, I was shocked and appauled by this app,(lol…jk) but it is very very very easy with oly that is…

Okay first we know because you should need a keygen that the app runs your name through a algorythm that produces some code which hopefully matches the code, but this is the incredible bit, as it does this is places the code in the referenced text strings area, well olly does anyhow.

First load the programme in olly(open>browse)., and go to the referenced text strings area(right click>search for> all refferenced text strings) there should only be a handfull now, we want to run the programme to see how it handles this dat, press f9 or run

the box will pop-up enter whatever you want as the name and again whatevr you like as the code, press try it. now return to olly and click in the referenced text strings bit to make it refresh it, and OMG it has your name followed by a code lets try that Code it works OMFG. lol

sorry if its a bit of a spoiler it was just taht easy also, it more to show lateral thinking you dont always need a keygen…

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

Read Night_shadows article on 10, its similar

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

lol, that's right, me and wolfmankurd are geniuses! Screw your keygens!

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

Such a bad pun on the first line :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

dosent work, i did everything exactly like you said, i go back an thers nothing in name

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

You have to Open the program, run it and type in your info, THEN look at the refrenced text strings and the code is there

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

Hmmmm didnt notice that, I would edit it but I cant.

What_A_Legend's avatar
What_A_Legend 18 years ago

This article is great helped me in the cracking of this app cheers geeze

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

WOW super easy!

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

damn thanks:D

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

whats stupid is the point of this challenge is to give you a program in which you can make a keygen from.

It wasn't to make you find an easier way (which isn't hard) so you can skip making the keygen.

either way, since you can't be assed to work out/learn to make a keygen, the only person you're cheating is yourself

Frogguy's avatar
Frogguy 17 years ago

if you're intelligent enough to find an easier way to complete a challenge, hats off to you.

p.s: has anyone else noticed that the pourcentages for the votes on this article don't add up? haha last time i checked 88+13 != 100

Frogguy's avatar
Frogguy 17 years ago

nvm i just checked some other articles and none of them do haha

NightSpyder's avatar
NightSpyder 17 years ago

Alright so I just figured this out using your article. Thanks alot dude. I appreciate it.