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Encryption 11-The simplest way

Encryption 11-The simplest way

By zero_ryuki avatarzero_ryuki | 12611 Reads |
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Encryption 11-For those who are lazy to coding.

This challenges probably the hardest mission in encryption. So I’d like to write the simplest way for beating this one as I did.

First of all, just open up your note pad to write down the packets as we see in the mission briefing.

At first, just look at the entire packets; are you familiar with those numbers? Good because that numbers is the main problem we need to solve.

We know the XOR encryption, we need to find the key, and as the hint told you, each key is four letters and used to all packets. So what we need is to find the key same format as the packets. Got the idea? Good.

But how we know the keys? Just think the common word you can as we know the word is made from four letters. After you got the word, try to convert it to same format like the packets.

Write down in the note pad that you just let it open without put anything inside. The basic idea for decode that packets is like:

Crypted: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Keys: 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

Answer : 1 0 1 0 1 1 0

Look at this point, maybe some idea have crossed in your mind right. So let’s try to decode all packets with the keys you just figured out. After you got all the numbers, try to convert it back to the English words. If you got the word with no meaning, that’s simply not the right answer. Try to play around with all four letters word, convert it to get the keys, match it with the packets, and if you come up with the English word, that’s the right answer, perhaps.

Copy all the keys, and submit with the format like in the briefing: Key packet1 packet2 packet3. Boom, 70points added to your profile. See, no tears, no headache and no pain at all.

Hope this article help all of you to complete this mission and please rate this article as it is my first article. Enjoy.

korg's avatar
korg 14 years ago

I think it gives a damn good easy way to finish the challenge. Same way I did it also.