Realistic 16
Realistic 16

An article I made on Realistic 16. This is my first article so please be nice. Enjoy.Hope it helps!
Description: Mozzer is a freelance website developer. One of his projects from 6 months ago turned out to be for a corportate spamming company. When he went back to check on it he was horrified and set about trying to hack his own code. Unfortunately he couldn't find anything but noticed that there have been some slight alterations to his code. He mentioned something about "common directories", "session management" and ".inc files". Once you get access you will need to use the post system to edit the email database to say "". Hopefully a dose of their own medicine will sort this company out!!
Difficulty: Very Hard Tools: JS knowledge or Tampa Data or Cookie Editor UserAgent Switcher addon for FF knowledge of .inc files knowledge of common directorys.
Lets Begin. First we need to get higher privileges.So how do we do this?Well use you knowledge of .inc files and common directorys to get to the dir we need.After you got that you should notice there is a page that looks interesting lo***.h Now we have to get our session it to the URL we can do this by adding a symbol at the end of the URL and adding P******ID= followed by it(you can get it via JS,Cookie Editor or Tampa Data).Copy the URL you have obtained and submit it to where a admin would probebly click on it.Got it?Good.
Now for the next part. You should now have a new link at the bottom of the links.DON'T CLICK ON IT!!! instead use your knowledge of common dirs and find somewhere where the admins might keep logs.Found it?You should have now go to each of the pages what one looks most promising for our mission? You should get a list of user agents.Guess what tool your gunna need!Get it out then!Now there is a very distinct User Agent that you going to need to use.After you get that and set it a your user-agent go back to the normal page and click on the new link.If the new link has gone just repeat the steps to get it there again.Then click on it.You should get 2 text boxes saying: Email Recipient: and Email Address : Now for the last bit! Refer to the description and add the email specified click submit and BINGO you got it!!! Thanks for reading my article if you need further help feel free to PM me. Comments and Rankings and Criticism appreciated. Comments especially wanted from system_meltdown and Mr_Cheese. Thanks SaMTHG:)

Uber0n 16 years ago
I think this article reveals a bit too much, also about half the article is just copied from the challenge description… :|

spyware 16 years ago
Yes you can. Search for an edit link. Also, requesting comments from "important" staff members is frowned upon.

Uber0n 16 years ago
Just a hint; if you ask people not to be harsh they'll often flame you. It's some kind of anti-noob philosophy that many hackers have :ninja:

richohealey 16 years ago
Don't ask people to be gentle. We're gunna say what we're gunna say. Toughen up or go home.