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Basic web hacking 17

Basic web hacking 17

By ghostghost | 6204 Reads |
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To complete this challenge one must have a basic understanding of applets and the java programming language.You start this challenge off in the same way that you start off all other challenges by viewing the source of the page.if you look at the A***** tag you will see a .Cl*** file .This file is a compiled java program .If you decompile it you can look at the original java source code.To find such a decompiler,i suggest that you google it.On finding the compiler and on decompiling the source code,you will see within the original java file a reference to an url (a php file).This url has a parameter which needs to be specified and you can find this parameter by going through the java code very carefully.To complete the challenge all you need to do is to type in the url in the location bar as well as the parameter

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

i just used notepad

mido's avatar
mido 17 years ago

i used a decompiler.

solo's avatar
solo 17 years ago

notepad gives the easy solution :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Good, concise article, but I used notepad also :o

ghost's avatar
ghost 13 years ago

I liked it

san00719's avatar
san00719 13 years ago

hmm.. not bad