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Flash Challenge 1 - 4 by zitcon

Flash Challenge 1 - 4 by zitcon

By ghostghost | 9492 Reads |
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ok. this is my first article so please be nice :p i am not quite good in english, but i'll do my best.

Tools: http://www.sothink.com/product/flashdecompiler/ - Sothink SWF decompiler http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/windows - Audacity

Guide to find the file: Just view the source (i hope you know how to do it) and find out where "embed src" is leading and download the flash movie. when downloaded open the file in sothink.

Flash 1:

Drake has learned how to code in Flash, he's hidden some important data somewhere, see if you can obtain it for me.

Take a GOOD look at the movie. can you see something? yeah, you can! but, it is to hard to see! what can you do make it more easy? Hint: look at the tools section in sothink…

Flash 2:

Drake has realized that his coding wasn't too secure, he's tried to make it a bit harder for anyone to break in, but I beleive you can get in and get the password.

Ok. here it ask you for a password! just open the file in sothink and look trough the filetree.

Flash 3:

Drake has improved his flash skills and learned how to embed mp3s inside flash files, the mp3 he's embedded contains a password, please try and find this mp3 and get the pass for me.

hmm.. this mean we have to find the file, to get the password. read the action script, and see if you can find an external mp3 file.. Download the file and play. Oh no! it is impossible to hear what the dude say! Try to r****e the file using auacity and you get the pass :)

Flash 4:

Drake realized that he sorta sucks at hiding things within the flash files, so instead, he has tried to hide them elsewhere, I hope you can retrieve the password for me, zitcon, good luck.

This means we are looking for some external files! take a look in the actionscript and find them! did you found a password? no?!:O you have to read the whole text file! it is more then it look like!;P oh, you should have find it by now, did you try to enter it? tss.. that didnt work, did it? that is becouse it is encrypted in ***64.. google for an decrypter and decrypt the pass. http://www.paulschou.com/tools/xlate/

WOW! all the flash challenges in no time!^^ i hope it dont was too many spoilers, and that you will rate my article!:)

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

ac1d: it is more than one way to solve nr 3, i used that one , and you used another one:p

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago


ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

It is ****64 :D

R3M0T3 H4CK3R's avatar
R3M0T3 H4CK3R 17 years ago

don't you think this is giving away slightly too much, good article, but i had fun with these challenges, and this article takes you through it step by step, it spoils the fun,

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

@kaksii That's usually intentional.

I tried Flash 3 but that password mp3's middle part is kinda hard to listen.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Audacity is available for Mac, too!

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

God, I felt like such a 'tard with Flash 4, I didn't pay attention and tried to go straight to the file in the root directory instead of whateverdir/whateverfile.yeahright.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

I liked it very much. After I did the first one the rest were easy.

yours31f's avatar
yours31f 16 years ago

flash 3 is really getting to me i cant understand it

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

good article:)

too bad i read this after i had done one and two and 4 without any programs…

flash 1 == you just right click the flash and hit "back" and the text appears behind the fireworks.

flash 2 == just right click again…. i wont say what exactly to do but a combination of two right clicks just lays the password out right in the flash

flash 4 == view the source and you see the main.swf page.. go to it and open up the add-on "firebug" and search around till you get a list of files and search the text files =D

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

cant figure out what hes saying in flash 3

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago

Yeah flash 3 is a B! I've r***'d the audio, recorded it at different Db's, slow'd it, changed pitch and I just can't understand what he's effing saying! If I could pm someone what I've got could you throw me a bone and fill in the second to last letter? that's the only one I can't hear.

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago


¿Can someone help me with flash 3? I can't understand. ¿May i pm to someone? Thanks.

ghost's avatar
ghost 7 years ago

For folks having problems with F3: Get a phone, tape recorder, etc…..record the sound from your speakers>Backmasked<google this term…. Paul is Dead