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Application 10

Application 10

By m3t4b0l1c avatarm3t4b0l1c | 6200 Reads |
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-=[Application 10]=-		 

-Walktrough | Minor Spoilers-

-Welcome to my first Article here on HellBOund Hackers,Sorry 4 my bad english and please rate my article.

-= Ok first off i had so much trouble on passing this challenge and that is the main reason 4 writing this article.

So you will need OllyDbg 4 cracking this application,if you still don`t have it,get it on HBH Download section. Now open app10 in OllyDbg,and take a close l00k trough that code.If you have cracked those previous applications you will notice something…yeah that is what we are l00king 4…GET IT? If not then check out what will happend when you l00k at the code and insert some random character in answer box and press GO! You should notice something new! If you do…just try to match what you input to that combination of characters. In fact it is very easy when you know what to do…so if you catch my drift it should be piece of cake.

And if you still can`t do this,feel free to PM me or contact me in MSN. Or you could g00gle for OllyDbg,BrakePoints and stuff…

		by m3t4b0l1c 

[Ain`t nothing but a h4c|< thing]

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

:P bravo…. Eh da BrakePoints? or breakpoints? lool

bl4ckc4t's avatar
bl4ckc4t 18 years ago

Too much 13375p33k for me.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

nice m3, nice…

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is this really an article ? its kinda.. poor.. anyways 5/10 …might help some :right:

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 18 years ago

Uhm, I thought articles had to be at least 500 words now :-/

m3t4b0l1c's avatar
m3t4b0l1c 18 years ago

damn it guys it`s my first article :| next 1 will be better…i promise

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Long enough to be helpfull, in my opinion. Cheers ;)

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

really helpful :D

but the character combination takes much time… :\

Uber0n's avatar
Uber0n 16 years ago

Leetspeak in an article? Geez :angry: