Javascript 9 - 15
Javascript 9 - 15

Javascript challenges 9 - 15
J9: Okay, so you look at this one and realize you could just wait for that big number to go
down, but odds are you really want to get these points now. Okay, so what is the first thing
we do when we want to hack a page? If you cant figure this one out, go do Basic 1. Now,
we do a search and find the javascript running this page and we notice something that deals
with the counter. Its a variable on the page. Let's inject something and see where that takes
J10: So here we view some source and we look for something that deals with our password.
Found it? Good. Okay, so read this code over, if you don't understand JScript again…go
learn it. We see that it gets our password and compares it to one it builds. Trace through
the code and rebuild the password.
J11: Again, we do the same and get our code. Look at it. Very similar. Variable is not quite built
the same. Think of a way that we can view it? Mess around with JScript vars and and old
friend from a few challenges ago.
J12: Blah blah, same stuff different problem. Get where you need and look at our code. Anyone
have a TI calculator? (If you don't BUY ONE). Find out your answer
J13: So we browse the S**C here again, but wait….nothing? So this makes you think maybe
its not required for us to use that code. Take a look at the message. Now, think about ways
you can have your authentication checked and how it relates to JScripting. Where can we
hide local data? While you think about that I'm going to go grab some milk….. okay, got it
now? So edit it the usual way and nab your points.
J14: Now some of you may just get this challenge right away. If you do, your lucky. If not, take a
glance. See our conitional? See what it does if you are lucky(but you aren't.) Now: option 1
make your computer meet that, option 2 think of a way to bypass that statement.
J15: Okay, once you find what your looking for on this you realize its a bit harder than the
rest…gah. I basically just worked it out. Filled it in. Take your time, be precise. It is a pain.
Hint for a few of these. Rather than working out some of the built passwords can you think
of a way to build it yourself? Even make a nice way (with JScript) to copy and paste it? I'll let you figure that one out.
PM me if you need some help.

ghost 18 years ago
I think you should look at article that have been posted previously before submitting one. These challenge have been covert a lot of time, so i don't think it's usefull to redo one … You should stop mass producing article that have been already cover or completly useless (Skype It).

korg 18 years ago
Agree with Arto already articles on these challenges so pretty much just repeating them.Admin's let's start to check this too many worthless articles here:angry:

ghost 18 years ago
lol, i just changed all the variables and it still didnt work, i even changed the riddle =P
(all the variables in checkpassword anyway)