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Other Challenges

Other Challenges

By ghostghost | 6707 Reads |
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Hello! This is article for other challenges. Rate it!

Before you begin with other challenges, try get some place on web. It is necessary for some challenges.

[ Other 1 - Animated GIF ] Description: Design a colourful animated GIF image. The image must include your username. Okay, so i did this with ULEAD GIF ANIMATOR, you can download the trial at http://www.ulead.com/ga/trial.htm. The Program is easy to use and i think you wont have any problem completing this challenge with it.

[Other 2 - Setup Website ] Description: Setup your own website with some content. Please link to a page with evidence. This was easy for me, beacuse i am a webdesigner, but if you haven't got any skills with creating websites, you can do it in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Frontpage or Macromedia Dreamweaver. It is so easy.

[Other 3 - PHP CMS ] Description: Script and set up your own CMS in PHP. Please link to a page with evidence. This is a harder one and you need lot's of skills in HTML and PHP to do it. You need to create any online Content management system. If you don't know what is it look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_management_system

[Other 4 - Firefox ] Description: Download and install Firefox, and set it as your default browser. I hope anybody have Firefox today, but if you are still using IE, go to http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/ and download it. You can do this challenge also lazy way but i don't say you how.

[Other 5 - Linux ] Description: Install Linux on your box Linux is an alternative operating system, the best thing about it is it's open source. My favourite distribution is ubuntu, go to http://www.ubuntu.com/ for informations and/or download. You can also do this challenge the lazy way but i don't want to tell you what this is.

[Other 6 - Well Known Exploit] Description: Discover an exploit in a well known piece CMS or forum. The description tells you everything you need. Just find exploit in Content management system or Forum. I hope there are some other articles in category Web Hacking that can help you.

[Other 7 - Article ] Description: An article you have submitted that has 3+ Good ratings. Please link to the atricle. Only one sentence: Please rate THIS article! :)

[Other 8 - Sig Design ] Description: Design a good graphical sig for another person. Please link to a page displaying the sig + credit to you. Use Photoshop, Gimp or Macromedia Fireworks (third is the best vector graphic editor). Visit the forum. There are topics about creating this. Find somebody who is looking for a signature and contact him. Create a sig for him. You have points, he has a sig. Both of you are happy :)

[Other 9 - Hash Cracking] Description: Crack this hash. It is kind of MD hash, maybe the brothers in genisis can help.

[Other 10 - Hash Cracking] Description: Crack this hash. Now only the brother of one of London's biggest killers can help.

[Other 11 - Link to HBH] Description: Place a link to HBH on another site / forum. DO NOT place the link on a hacked site. Easiest one, if you have a website or any forum account. If not, ask to friend.

[Other 12 - Zone-h Profile] Description: Link to your zone-h defacement page.. I am not sure how this thing works, but i hope you have to hack something well known and post it on Zone-h. After that link to the page about your hack.

That's all. I hope it help. Please rate it. PS.: Sorry for my english. I live in F***ed small country named Slovakia, and English on our schools is really… bad.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Nice article :) I fixed some of the Einglish in it for you so it's a bit better now, lol

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

lol ! i spelt English wrong… and it's my primary language :whoa:

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Thank you man, my engishis so bad…

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

LOL I made mistake in that word now, too :angry:

solo's avatar
solo 18 years ago

i jus want to say - " short and sweet article" ;)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

How is that article short. I like it. Quick and witty. Good work

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

good one.. 8/10 :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

rly nice article helped a bit ;) thxx

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Nice article; I especially liked the challenge ten hint.

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago

Hej tadi jsou i slovaci ?? To jsem nevjdel. Ja jsem Cech.

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago

Hej tadi jsou i slovaci ?? To jsem nevjdel. Ja jsem Cech.

Hellow533's avatar
Hellow533 12 years ago

For Other 4 and 5, if you don't want linux just remember. User agents are your friend.

Lemmink's avatar
Lemmink 11 years ago

Hellow533, my thoughts exactly :D cml:$ google-chrome –user-agent=":ninja:"