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Basic 10 Guide

Basic 10 Guide

By ghostghost | 9204 Reads |
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////Basic 10\\\\\\

This is my first article; it probably won’t be great, but I hope it helps you out….

Alright time to get started… We go to the page where it says:

“The following page can only be seen if your IP range is the one that is allowed. This .htaccess stuff is complicated.”

Hmm maybe we should click on that link. Alright for those of you who are really lucky and your IP is in the exact range, you will automatically beat the challenge. However those who get a FORBIDDEN page like me, this guide is for you.

When we get to the forbidden page, check around you might find something pretty useful in there. K so we know the range needed to view the page. Anyways we know that we need to fool into thinking that our IP address is in that range. Lets see… GOOGLE how to spoof ips. There are webpages out there with px* on them. Once you find a p**** look through the px* until you find one the right range. Note: Make sure you note which port number the p*** uses too.

Alright we have our p****, but now how do we use it…

Firefox Users: Look around in the options until you find something to do with px*. Enter the p**** that you found and you're go to the challenge page. CONGRATULATIONS

IE Users: Basically the same as firefox, just in a litte different place

NOTE: If the p**** doesn’t work the first time go back and try out different px* with the right range.

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What_A_Legend's avatar
What_A_Legend 18 years ago

its a cool artice maybe a lot of spoilers tho

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Ya I kinda though that I'll fix it

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Alright I think this is a little better. Sorry to those who read the spoilered version ( I kinda gave away a little too much )

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

It may also be worth while to point out that if you are logged in already and then change your ip that you will be logged out without getting credit, so you should probably already be logged out before starting it, and then log in with your new ip. I hope that made sense, I am pretty tired. I have been up for three days.

Zer0Man's avatar
Zer0Man 18 years ago

Very helpful article. :D

NightSpyder's avatar
NightSpyder 17 years ago

J-Rock, I learned that the hard way. I still managed to have the wrong ***** as well, but was logged out as a double whammy.

McQuinTrix's avatar
McQuinTrix 12 years ago

Grt one!!;)