Realistic 11
Realistic 11

Ok to start with this one you must first view all the link.
you see a link where you can find all the staff. So open a file.txt and enter all the member you can find.
Now if you look at all the link you find a "forgot pass link" yes? and a "help" popup. Just take a look.
The "help" popup said : "The username is your surname…." So try all the surname you found in the "forgot" link.
o0oh!! there is one who show you something but not a password :(. What you can do??
Hmm.. Why don't you try to login with this user and perhaps an sql injection for the password… Ok that's don't work but did you see what i see!!! If you look carefully at your explorer, I'm sure you see it.So try to view the source of it.
Cool you find a hashe, let' go crack it !! You can use this for crack it :
Ok so now you have a username and a password so try to login. oOo!! that's work, good job !! Now see the link:
the first, you have to double a value and to return it in under 1s the second, you have to use a tools "Keycheck" for decrypt the text and return it under 1m.
Ok first try to find the app "Keycheck", perhaps in a hidden directory files. You got it ? Cool crack it for find the password of the app.
So now for finish the mission you have to made a script for pass the two link. I use php curl for pass this but you can use other language.
For those who don't know php curl, you can go to this site :
So now let's go coding !!
And finally when you pass the two link, go to the complete page.
I hope that this article will be able to help you to pass this mission. Rate if like it or not.