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Rooting 1

Rooting 1

By ghostghost | 8555 Reads |
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Rooting 1 By: Regit

The first thing you want to do when you are rooting someone’s computer is scan it, and see if it has any opened ports that you can use to your advantage. This challenge will simulate the scanning of a computer when you use the nmap command. Nmap is a very popular port scanner, that will tell you a lot about the target computer. After running an nmap command, you will notice that there are several ports listed. The one we are interested in though, is FTP. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. Since we are dealing with files, this will most likely be the port to look into. Using google to find out more about ftp, we see that we can connect to other peoples computers, or server. You should have found a way to connect to the target computer through the ftp port.

After connecting to the target computer, we see a welcome message and the directory you are in. In the challenge description it mentions that the hacker is running Linux. Some of you may know where the default password location for Linux users, but for those of you who don’t, try googling for it. Once you have found the default password location, try to change the directories to it. If you don’t know how to change the directory, yep you guessed it, google for Linux commands. Don’t shut down that list, as it may come in handy down the road. If you are trying this peace by peace as you are reading this, then you probably tried to use "** //***" and that didn’t work did it?

Experiment some with the Linux commands. You have probably noticed that when ever you use a "/" it disconnects you. So think of the challenge this way: You can’t drive from California to Canada on 1 tank of gas, you have to make stops at a gas station every so often. In this challenge, you have to go in small steps.

If the above didn’t help, then try to google for a way to go back a directory without the "Back" button. Another way to think of this challenge is: When your browsing some folders, and you want to go back a folder. You go up to click the back button, but its not there :o you notice there is an address bar. What can you type in that address bar to go back a folder?

I hope that this helped out the people who where loosing sleep of this challenge, and also those who where just starting.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

this article has helped clarify a few things that were confusing me, i think i can go and compleat this challenge now.

love the regular use of the term 'google (for) it' a hacker can never use google enough :D

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

Sorry to say, but this Challenge Helped just about 0%. With all of your riddles about solving riddles and leading us to places that dont work, it just confused me more.

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

Sorry to say, but this Challenge Helped just about 0%. With all of your riddles about solving riddles and leading us to places that dont work, it just confused me more.

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago

this only explained the small parts but good

th3l05tpr0ph3tz's avatar
th3l05tpr0ph3tz 13 years ago

ugh, i feel like such a newb…I'm having a hard time even opening the file. it downloads to my /home/usr/Downloads dir, but from there I don't know what to do. Mind, you I am new to linux, so please try to refrain from flaming, im already embarrassed that i cant open a file… :(