Enc 4
Enc 4

This is a short article but devoted to the task
When you first looks at it your probably thinking.. ok alien langauge.. yeah well it is a number system i guess.. i couldnt find it anywhere … so I just decided to take a step back..
if you look at the pattern youll notice that it appears to be evenly spaced.. and that each symbol is either a straightish line or circular like.. you know that theres english behind it so the first thing you should be thinking is identify what the space character is
ok so you figured out what the space character is .. it should tell you something very important about what makes up each letter…
if you figured that out then i recomend you now build a psuedo version of what it looks like something like
code[space]code etc….
find the symbols that are identical and substitute fake letters
you should notice that there are two words that are exactly the same.. and very short if you get what .it. is.. then it should be easy if you ask yourself.. what kind of message you might get from previous encryptions.. like good job or something… i guessed it all in one go after guessing what that short word was.. anyway hope this helps without being too cryptic and without giving too much away.
This is my first article so please rate it if you find it helpful.
Bonus hint: I used the two letter word 12 times in this article..

ghost 18 years ago
Really great article, gets you on the right track of what to do :P I know a lot of people will appreciate this article ^_^ Enc 4s hardest challenge on hbh, in my opinion xD

ghost 18 years ago
This challenge isnt really hard in itself .. the point is to find the right equivalence for each part of the symbol … and that's where i'm stuck. :(

K3174N 420 16 years ago
ive s0lved this challenge… but not through this article… it just made me think it was somthing totaly differant, when i did work out some charecters, i had to decrypt them to get the answer…. it sounds like your saying a symbol for a letter, and even when i know what the answer is and relook at the puzzle with what you said, i still cant see it… dunno maybe just me, you seemed to have helped some others atleast ^^ (i wont rate attal)