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Realistic 1

Realistic 1

By ghostghost | 13439 Reads |
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Seeing as i did do a realistic 2 article, i decided to do a realistic 1 article:

So, you see the message: Your goal for this mission is to log in as an registered user (johndoe/password) and analyze the site to gain administrator rights to change the price of the program to make it a lot more cheaper.

Alright, when you go to a page a big IMAGE greets you and you have two options -Home or -Login You want to log in. Now, when you click on toys you can't change the price.. Duh, but still, it was worth a shot. You need the administrator status to change the prices. Alright, remember that big image in the beginning? Well, can you think of a directory where most images are stored? Go to that directory.
Well, look at what we got hear! Yes, you know which one to click on. Now, you got cookie information. You should use javascript injection to change your cookies (username, password, and AuthID) to that user's info. Once you have them, now go to the toys and change the price. When you've changed it, you will be greeted with some new points (btw, change it appropriatly).

If you need any more help, feel free to contact me.

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

You said something about pictures stored in a directory. OK, I understand, but how do I get into a directory? If you don't know, this is regarding real 1. Well, PM me back. I would appreciate it.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

hey, Probibly a stupid question, but ive searched my computer over and over trying to find that cookie. When i go to Mozzilla/options/privacy/view cookies its there, but i cant find it to use the javascript injection, Could you tell me, or PM me, thanks


ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

ok, great. but how do i get onto a directory?

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

heh….good article man. but with your jscript you dont need to edit all the stuff….just one of the three….ill give a hint. its one you cant do from the webpage.

ghost's avatar
ghost 13 years ago

how do i get to the directory

pvp rine's avatar
pvp rine 10 years ago

you need to be more precise