Apps 1 to 6
Apps 1 to 6

Hello there, this is my article on how to beat application cracking challenges 1 to 6, part two, Apps 7 - 12 will be released soon after this one. Please rate and comment on this article, as this took a long time to write, and was written so others can get experienced at app cracking. Apps are meant to help people with changing the code and reverse engineering. In this article, as you are supposed to get the pass for hbh, if you find the password by anyway possible and it doesn’t work on hbh, try it on the app.
Warning: this article may contain spoilers.
App 1 This one is very straight forward, if you think back to the basics where you needed a text editor like notepad, that was handy, yes? Well, it’s going to be handy again! Once you have downloaded the app and unzipped it, open it in notepad (File > Open > All Files). If you scan through the readable ascii in there you should be able to find a string that contains the password.
App 2 This app is made in flash, and has been compiled. But, as flash can be easily de-compiled, we can get the password from it very easily. There is a tool on this site in the downloads section called "asvdemo" this is a flash de-compiler. Once you have downloaded and installed you can navigate to the location of app2.exe and then decompile, you should see the password.
App 3 This one you will need a hex editor for, any one will do, just google for one. Once you have app3.exe downloaded and a hex editor downloaded, edit the hex code of the app, for those who don’t know, hex editors show the ascii and hex strings. When you’ve opened it, you need to find the string that says "ineedalife" you need to type over that and replace it with what "icrackedit". Now, all that’s left to do is to save it, and then run it.
App 4 For this application, you will need a program called Olly Debugger, it is available here: After you have downloaded Olly, open the app up, in the main window, the window titled CPU, right click, then hit "Search for > All referenced text strings". This will show you all the ascii and unicode strings. Scroll down untill you see something that looks like it could be or could have something to do with the password.
App 5 Again, this one can be done with a hex editor, like app3 you have to edit the contents of the box, when you open the app up there is a serial made out of x’s, we need to change these xs to the real serial. Inside the hex you should be able to see the real code. If you save it and run, you will realise that you can’t click the button as it disables when you hover above it. So, it’s back to the hex editor, we want to make it so we can do an alt+something to the submit button, so if you find the label of the button, Enter or something, change it in the hex editor to say &nter, the &n will make it so if you press alt+n, it will check the code.
App 6 Alright, this is the final app in my article. Once again this app can be completed in Olly Debugger, it’s kind of like app4 where you search for all referenced text strings. You just have to look through the text strings until you see something that looks like a password, it would normally be near the part in the strings where it has the ascii string for things that are in the app.
Thanks for reading, I hope this article has helped you, part two will be released as soon as I write it.

ghost 18 years ago
:O you are gna give me a run for my money on articles if you carry on like this!!!

ghost 18 years ago
Thanks, I really needed a "push in the right direction" on the application challenges because I was lost. Great article.

ghost 18 years ago
:o it says "91%", but no1 voted for anything else, anywho, thanx a trillion system, u saved me on App 4. i read the others and kicked myself. i was did the others the hard way :D

ghost 18 years ago
I was a dumbass for #1, I kept trying to look for the actual password for the program, which is a bunch of letters and symbols. I did see the password but kept plugging it in the app (instead of HERE) and obviously it didn't work… somehow I spotted a string with letters, symbols, etc. and it was the app's password which subsequently showed the password I had tried plugging in the app before; i felt like a dumbass.