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Doing app 10 the lazy way

Doing app 10 the lazy way

By ghostghost | 7570 Reads |
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Alright, i have no programming skills whatsoever, (i can at least understand it) and yet i want to complete the app. Seeing as i'm just so smart at finding the easy way out, i was able to find a solution to this app that required none to near skill whatsoever. This actually makes the app look like childs play. All you need is Olly Debugger. If you don't have it, GET IT!!

Anyways, all you have to do is load the app into the program and look at the code. If memory serves well, there should be a big chunk with nothing in it. Alright, now run the program and i suggest typing something in, like a or something. Now, there should be two new lines added. One is encrypted and the other is what you put into the program encrypted. Now, try b, look at the code, try c, etc. What you want to do is make the code that you put into the program match the line above it. Then, when it's perfectly matched, you've completed the app. Easy, wasn't it? Message me if you need some more help. -Nights Shadow-

ghost's avatar
ghost 20 years ago

You can do it that way … or you figure out what's going on and solve it in less time :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 20 years ago

hmm…only took me 2 minutes to complete it. I basically almost guessed the entire word my first time. I'm interested in hearing about a way that could take less time….

ghost's avatar
ghost 20 years ago

Ok so maybe my takes a bit longer, but, for me it's more rewarding to figure out how the app works instead of doing the guess and check method (I'm not hating on guess and check method, it's useful at times).

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

the encrypted line should be there already, was mixing up 9 with 10.

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

Yeah, i was looking at your app 10, thats how i did it lol, i've never made a keygen in my life…

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

Not even Olly !!! you can do it just with a disassembler This is how i did, took out the ****ing function, churned out a few conditions and rebuilt it in a C program and brute forced it, took less than a second ;)

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 18 years ago

Nice article, small but helpful

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

im too impatient for guess and check :( how do i make a keygen?

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

ok i figured it out, dont worry

Uber0n's avatar
Uber0n 18 years ago

lol, manual bruteforce ish the shit! :D