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Steg 12 hints

Steg 12 hints

By ghostghost | 7208 Reads |
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Ok, many of you who are reading this article may have been trying for aaages to work out steg 12 but just cant seem to find the answer.

For working out the answer to this Steg, you dont need any fancy programs, any decoders, or anything like that.

I must admit I thought it was hard at the start, my problem was that I was thinking too much. I often tend to overthink things, even when the answer is staring me straight in the face.

Sometimes the trick is to think not about what is inside the picture as such, but outside it too.

My advice for you on this program is, if you find something that could be the password, try it, even if it doesnt look like it is, it just might be. And also try not to think too hard when doing this steg, if you think too much and try heaps of complicated things you’re probably just going to confuse yourself.

I hope this article has helped you guys “think less” so you can work it out.

If you need any help with anything, or have further questions or tips about how to make this article better, feel free to comment back here or PM me.

  • Rachel [Elak]

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Meh This is easier than Basic 1! Basic 1 you had to scroll down and figure the riddle! This comment must be a hint

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago


ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

earlier, the stegano had an error in the image where u can view source and find it on the 3rd line. for some reason it said password=. this cant happen anymore. it was a mistake. just so you know. try and find the real way.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

lol for basic one riddle i thought it to be a pillow

it wasn't , took me some time to figure the answer

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

one word - idiot. lol

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

the_flash, no need to be mean, there's a good chance English isn't seljojojo's native language. This is the universal Internet, where the whole world becomes one.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

hey thanks.

korg's avatar
korg 18 years ago

This was a way of cheating. Admin's should delete it.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

very true j0lt and i dont understand how this would be cheating korg.

77mod77's avatar
77mod77 14 years ago

Good one man….!!!!!!!1B)

ghost's avatar
ghost 13 years ago

This challenge is not so easy for linux users, for linux you have to search a little deeper for the right information.