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Javascript 7 *may contain spoilers*

Javascript 7 *may contain spoilers*

By ghostghost | 6328 Reads |
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Alright, when you go to view Javascript 7, a box pops up asking you for the password, which you obviously don't know or you wouldn't be reading this article.

So normally one of the first things you do when attempting a challenge is what? View the source. How do we do that in this challenge? look at the title of the view source pages. It says view-source: then the web page.

so if you have firefox, which you should have then you are able to right click and copy the link location of Javascript 7. And then if you've followed the directions so far, then you should have the source of this page.

Here's where the password is, yet it is hidden by some Javascript… MMMM MMM MMMMMMMM… If you know anything about Javascript this should be a peice of cake.

Looking at this source, we notice that the variables are s1, a2, v3, and e4.

what do these stand for? once you've figured that out, look at the rest.

v3 = s1.SUBstring (6,9)+a2.SUBstring (2,8)

sub meaning part of it ;]

so you should add variable s1 to a2 to equal v3. now if you can't get it from here, you shouldn't be attempting javascript challenges.

A much easier way, which if you know javascript is, to alert the answer. Anybody with knowledge on the subject should know how to do that. after you get it insert it into the password popup and VIOLAAAAAA some hardcore pointage

Now that I've helped you out :] feel free to comment and rank this I would be greatly obliged if you did. thanks.

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ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Nice article, doesnt give too much away.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

could have explained the substring function a little more but overall it good

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago


ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

gay gay gay

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

hay thank for the tip ……………it worked thanks for the post

Whiteshadowz's avatar
Whiteshadowz 11 years ago

What I'm getting stuck on is that the substring works alot like slicing in python… were s1.substring(6,9) should give you the 6,7,and 8th places of the string…. the bgcolor only has 6 charectors? so what is s1.substring(6,9) presenting?