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Javascript 10, 11 and 12 walkthrough

Javascript 10, 11 and 12 walkthrough

By ghostghost | 6697 Reads |
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Javascript 10, 11, and 12. By Sarah_briarmoss

I found these three challanges very simialer, and quite easy, so I decided I'd write an article for those of you who are stuck on them.

I'll start with Javascript 10.

First things first, view the source. If we take out all the unimportant stuff, we're left with this:

So, if you can understand Javascript, you can tell that the password is the value of asdf. So there are two ways we can do this, I'll just stick with my way, which is copying this into a text document, and changing the script to have an alert pop up and tell us what we want to know, which is what asdf equals.

So, alter the script to have an alert that tells us what asdf equals, then save that as JS10.htm, and open it in your web browser. If you've done it right, you'll get an alert pop up which says the answer, remember that or write it down or something, and then go to the JS 10 page, and enter it in.

You now get a screen saying Well done, points added or something.

Well done! You've just finished Javascipt 10.

Javascript 11 is very simalar. Once again, view the source and find out the important bit, which is this…

So once again, the password is the variable asdf. Using the same method as for the last one, saving it to your computer and writing in a script that alerts you to the variable asdf. Save this, and open it in your webbrowser. If you've done it right, you should get an alert saying what the password is. Write this down, or just remember it, then go to the JS11 page, and put it in. Easy! And you got the points!

Javascript 12 is similar to the other two, but this time you're not looking for the varaible asdf, you're looking for the variable abc. So, view the source, and find the important bit, which is this…

And once again, alter the code so that you get an alert that tells you what abc equals. Write this down or remember it, and put that into the password box for Javascript 12. If you've done it right, you get the points!

Well done, and if you need any help, feel free to PM me.

  • Sarah

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ghost 13 years ago
