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Javascript 11

Javascript 11

By thk-geo avatarthk-geo | 8874 Reads |
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Javascript 11

I made this challenge in like 2 minutes so i cant say its complicated…There is 2 ways (that i know) to complete this challenge:

1: The first way of doing this is the complicated way for you who dont really know that much about javascript. Now check the javascript it looks weird doesnt it? It uses the 'charCodeAt' function, This function can be used to convert the char at the given index to the ASCII value.

2: For the others who know javascript, Read the script and check what is going to happen if you write the correct password in, alert it and voíla.

Dont PM me for spoilers cause i wont give any.

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 18 years ago

Nice and simple article for a nice and simple challenge made by meee!

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 18 years ago

By the way, this should be in hbh challenge tutorials not hts.

thk-geo's avatar
thk-geo 18 years ago

Sure but how do u change it? :P

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 18 years ago

I dunno, ask cheese or grind

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

go to 'edit article'. And an even easier way to do this is to enter the javascript into the javascript console on firefox (hold alt then tap t then c) but only the bit that the password is checked against the console will print the result :)

thk-geo's avatar
thk-geo 18 years ago


SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 18 years ago

I forgot I was an admin and I could move articles, woops

thk-geo's avatar
thk-geo 18 years ago

[img]javascript:alert("i wonder…")[/img]