Encryption Challenges Explained
Encryption Challenges Explained

Some help for encryption challenges! :) Now because people cheat, the answers have changed. I will re-do the challenges and edit the article accordingly. I am not entirely sure how accurate it is now, but will be updated soon. Thanks
I know alot of people find the Encryption challenges very hard so i will go over a few of them in this tut. This is a walkthrough for some encs. No answers.
Enc1 - This is simple enough - http://www.yellowpipe.com/yis/tools/encrypter/index.php
Enc2 - I Completed this challenge in a very weird way, I seperated the enc into pairs, and noticed a pattern. This will help you:-
a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4 e=5 f=6 g=7 h=8 i=9 j=10 k=11 l=12 m=13 n=14 o=15 p=16 q=17 r=18 s=19 t=20 u=21 v=22 w=23 x=24 y=25 z=26
But you will notice that it still doesn't make any sense. Each letter - stands for another one. I was completely stumped at this point and made my way to the forums, i noticed that nighthawk had posted:- T*** m ** L* ** *** C*** u , h* **** ** ***d p *** h , * ******d *i! And someone confirmed this of the right answer, just not the right punc. You should now how enough letter values to make sense of the word.
Enc6 - This is alot like enc2, a letter for a letter. To get your letters though, divide. Use this to decrypt;):- http://www.forret.com/tools/rot13.asp? Also the number 27 - you will no what that is when you have completed it. Enc7 - Use AIM Bot MD5 Library to decrypt this hash
Enc8 - Based on a number system, Use an even number between 1 and 10 - eg using the number 22, i would minus 22 from the first number, the next number i would add 22 and so on. Also note that (-1) etc are not subtract values, they are negative numbers. Decrypt your lengthy results here:- http://nickciske.com/tools/octal.php
I left encs 3, 4 and 5 for you too try as you can now get to grips with how encryption challenges work. I hope i didnt spoil these challenges for anyone.
Please comment as i intend to make some more articles. The_Flash

SySTeM 18 years ago
How come you've done enc3,4 and 5 but haven't included how you did them?
Nice article by the way

ghost 18 years ago
So that people can try those - This article was to get people to understand the logic that is behind these challenges.

ghost 18 years ago
Id suggest TWS_Sentinel's article about encryption 2. It explains things much better. http://hellboundhackers.org/articlecomments.php?article_id=494

psyl0cke 11 years ago
Thanks for the nice article. :) The link is broken but available here: http://web.forret.com/tools/rot13.asp?