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Encryption Challenges Explained

Encryption Challenges Explained

By ghostghost | 10743 Reads |
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Some help for encryption challenges! :) Now because people cheat, the answers have changed. I will re-do the challenges and edit the article accordingly. I am not entirely sure how accurate it is now, but will be updated soon. Thanks

I know alot of people find the Encryption challenges very hard so i will go over a few of them in this tut. This is a walkthrough for some encs. No answers.

Enc1 - This is simple enough - http://www.yellowpipe.com/yis/tools/encrypter/index.php

Enc2 - I Completed this challenge in a very weird way, I seperated the enc into pairs, and noticed a pattern. This will help you:-

a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4 e=5 f=6 g=7 h=8 i=9 j=10 k=11 l=12 m=13 n=14 o=15 p=16 q=17 r=18 s=19 t=20 u=21 v=22 w=23 x=24 y=25 z=26

But you will notice that it still doesn't make any sense. Each letter - stands for another one. I was completely stumped at this point and made my way to the forums, i noticed that nighthawk had posted:- T*** m ** L* ** *** C*** u , h* **** ** ***d p *** h , * ******d *i! And someone confirmed this of the right answer, just not the right punc. You should now how enough letter values to make sense of the word.

Enc6 - This is alot like enc2, a letter for a letter. To get your letters though, divide. Use this to decrypt;):- http://www.forret.com/tools/rot13.asp? Also the number 27 - you will no what that is when you have completed it. Enc7 - Use AIM Bot MD5 Library to decrypt this hash

Enc8 - Based on a number system, Use an even number between 1 and 10 - eg using the number 22, i would minus 22 from the first number, the next number i would add 22 and so on. Also note that (-1) etc are not subtract values, they are negative numbers. Decrypt your lengthy results here:- http://nickciske.com/tools/octal.php

I left encs 3, 4 and 5 for you too try as you can now get to grips with how encryption challenges work. I hope i didnt spoil these challenges for anyone.

Please comment as i intend to make some more articles. The_Flash

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

vary cool artical! thankx!

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

pretty good.. wish it came like.. a month earlier :( :P

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

top notch ;)

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 18 years ago

How come you've done enc3,4 and 5 but haven't included how you did them?

Nice article by the way

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

So that people can try those - This article was to get people to understand the logic that is behind these challenges.

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 18 years ago

Ah, fair enough

nanoymaster's avatar
nanoymaster 18 years ago

nice article…well done

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Id suggest TWS_Sentinel's article about encryption 2. It explains things much better. http://hellboundhackers.org/articlecomments.php?article_id=494

elmiguel's avatar
elmiguel 15 years ago


Broken link, but nice article.

psyl0cke's avatar
psyl0cke 11 years ago

Thanks for the nice article. :) The link is broken but available here: http://web.forret.com/tools/rot13.asp?