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Realistic 12

Realistic 12

By ghostghost | 9789 Reads |
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############## ####Realistic 12 ## ##By WolfManKurd# ############

We begin:



########## Cafe Fiveways

You were in a rush to get to work this morning and you forgot your lunch money. One of your favourite cafes near by has a online pre-ordering system. Change the price of a Tuna Melt so you only have to pay £1.10 when you arrive at the cafe.

Difficulty: Medium


What we need to do. # Order of challenge gleamed from the description.


  1. Login as admin,(possibly)
  2. Change price. ( to £1.10)
  3. Order the tuna melt (might need to open an account or something)


Prerequisites # Stuff you need to do before you start, or could do once you have completed this challenge.


Challenges: Basic ; 4, 12, Other; 9, 10. Real; 5

Articles: WillieH’s on php includes exploits. Possible My article on Real 5. Any JTR article.


Stage 1 # Getting Admin Logins.


Well there are only two things to do at the beginning ( the links) and only one of then takes you anywhere new.

** Hint: that is not the home link**

Hmmmm, look familiar, have HBH just got lazy and repeated some challenges? ( no offence Mr_Cheese.) Probably wont need WillieH’s article but might be wortha read anyways.

further hint: looks mightily like basic 12.


Stage 1 cont


If you have the prerequests it should be a piece of cake. I’d refer to other 10

further hint: John the ripper ;)


Stage 1 cont.


At this point I was slightly :s. but, poking around never hurt nobody. Something similar is in other challenges.

Further hint: looks like other 10,

Further further hint: Brothers in Genesis… CAIN AND ABEL people.


Stage 2 # Changing the price.


Ah this should be obvious he wants it for £1.10, it even lets us know when we have successfully completed it.


Stage 3 # getting customer logins


Erm, I didn’t even realise there was more to the challenge, but… well, special type of cafe, (pre-ordering)

But there is a link to clear this up too.

F*** never that easy is it :/.

########### #Stage 3 cont. # ###########

Well, again this is a basic skill. And once your little hacking brain goes: ‘Ooooo user logins’ it’s time to move on to ‘Stage 3 cont.cont’ or ‘stage 4’.

Further hint: Basic 4 look similar


Stage 4 # Ordering the sandwich


Well, I’m sure one of them wouldn’t mind us borrowing his account for a moment… not like he’ll have to pay for it probably wont even notice. I seem to remember a login in at the beginning.


The End


Ugh tuna, but that’s what this guy wants.

Further hint: just order the fing sandwich*

  • Copywrite WolfManKurd!!!!!*
  • My lawyers are watching.;)!!!*

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

AWESOME! Nice lay-out, nice prerequest stuff and all. Love it :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

HUH????? :o

next time try English


ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Sorry for the last comment, your article is pretty good, now it all makes sense.

Cheers :D

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Great article! I'm only stuck because I can't use Cain and Abel on my computer.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

I realized something much later. Forget Cain and Abel, use milw0rm.com.

korg's avatar
korg 18 years ago

LMFAO, I beat this challenge in 2 steps. Never logged in as admin or cracked any hash think it's easy;)

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

korg, that's rather interesting lol, how did you do this? and what do you do once you've got past the .htaccess page, and am in the special dir? because it's asked for another admin password but that's not in here

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

that made no sense what so ever :@

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

no offense, but thats the most f***ed up article ever!

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago

Not any more korg. Dont be sneaky!! Complete the challenge before you view this page! lol:p

YouGotHacked's avatar
YouGotHacked 13 years ago

I wonder if the challenge has changed or something… I had the same experience as Korg, but not with that page. I used the index.php to view a certain file which gave me a list of pages to visit. One of those pages provided everything (only one thing, really) that I needed to log in without cracking any hashes. A little HTML editing to change the price and I was all set.

ellipsis's avatar
ellipsis 12 years ago

Don't risk jail time for a tuna sandwich. Just saying.