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Basic web hacking 1 (The retard test)

Basic web hacking 1 (The retard test)

By ghostghost | 15026 Reads |
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If you are asking people whats the password to get into basic 1?

getting the passwor dis basic 1.(God you must be stupid.)

If you're thinking fair enough, but whats all tihs hacking stuff about?

Okay this is incredibly simple its the retard test, but really it tests for inicitive in those very new to hacking. Those that realise somehting very fundimental to tihs type of hacking that at some point information from the web site must be stored on your computer. This Source of the web page is written in HTML and for basic one is the answer… If you are very new i suggest you get Firefox and use that, much easier.

If you still havent got the answer:

Piss off you're not cut out for hacking and maybe even life. go get your dads Magnum and blow your brains out( what little you have.)

DON'T GO AND KILL YOURSELF (I reckon those dumb enough to have still not completed it would actually do it..)

If you are still reading, yes you are: WELL DONE! You have what it takes to be a hacker. Now go learn and hack my arse for calling you an idiot so many times!

code4's avatar
code4 7 years ago
