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Basic 5

By ghostghost | 16116 Reads |
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well the main problem in this mission is that people don’t understand the format of the username / password box and most of them switch the answers.

well this is a guide will hopefully help you guys to beat this mission

let us start:

step 1:

this is something we do in most of the levels realistic or basic we view the source code .

-after viewing the source code you will notice something called wildcard

what is wild card ? wild card is a character which stands for any thing we don’t know

for example: we don’t know a site name or its extensions so we write wildcard:wildcard instead of writeing google.com

  • notice that wildcard stands for google , : stands for . and wildcard stands for com which is the exenstion of the site. <the wild card in our mission will be * >

step 2:

right now we have to understand the search box and password box to search for some one you have to right the username and the password in the user password box and you have to write them like this


well if it’s so easy why people can’t do it? <BECAUSE PPL THINK THAT USERNAME IS A NAME WHILE ITS AN EMAI ADRESs >

its written that the search system is an email search data base so the username is the email address .

so what is the email box all about?

IT’S ABOUT THE DOMAIN NAME AND THE EXTENSIONS FOR EXAMPLE hotmail.com yahoo.com stupidity.humans so the main mistake is that people write in the domain name the email addres.

since we don’t know the email name and the password and the domain name and the extensions we have to but wildcard instead of there names

hope that this will help you guys

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago


ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

I am still stuck I do not know what it is I need to know

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

me 2… i dont get it how all that thing works

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

wish I'd have had this tutorial when i was stuck on it for ages :) it clears up a LOT of things

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

didn't help at all…

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

dude, u need to fix the grammar and spelling half the time I'm trying to figure out what word corresponds with another

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago


ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

for some reason…i manage to finish the mission…i understand about the wild card…but i still don't get the logic behind this username:password thing…sorry…i am totally a newbie here…:(

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

This would be a useful post if you ran it through a grammar and spell checker first.

If there is one thing that hackers should know about it has to be the importance of correct grammar (read syntax for grammar)

Uber0n's avatar
Uber0n 16 years ago

step 2: usernameassword LOL :D

ghostraider100's avatar
ghostraider100 13 years ago

All i wanna say is fuck off:@

stegood's avatar
stegood 7 years ago

A little bit confusing:@