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STEGANO 7 (i think :P)

STEGANO 7 (i think :P)

By ghostghost | 7382 Reads |
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Hey HBHs! I feel really dumm writing an article about convicts, … feels like SCHOOL :S Anyway here goes… 1st of all i have MINIMAL knowledge of laws regarding criminals and stuff, n i aint much interested, that’s why my spoiler-free help would be copying info about criminals from other sites, so i’ll try to make my own article without spoiling too much lol :p Ok that’s enough talking… i thought ALL the article will take as much as the introduction took…

I’m …. how to start– A! ….

(I’m writing what’s coming to my mind RIGHT NOW) : Jail is like a firewall.. bars are closed ports with exploits, and criminals are hacke …. knowledge-seekers :P Criminals ARE the smartest beings… well… some of them at least :P as they say, “MASTERMINDS” Anyway, every letter or object sent into or from the prison is highly and very strictly inspected,yet,gang-leader prisoners are still able to give orders from inside the prison!They use genius ways to hide their messages, whether by just having a different reading way (As in each word with a Capital letter like 1st letter counts) , or…I took that in history this year but i forgot it’s name :D :P maybe it’s… ahh whatever, it’s to represent something by drawing it, This was used by people LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG ago, the most common representation for men was a TREE lol, that’s true. Anywayz. without computers, without text-in-pic software, without anything, convicts used to pass their messages.. their methods were SIMPLE and VERY PRIMITIVE, but their minds weren’t, cz they knew that humans like to take stuff as they are MUCH MORE complicated than how complicated they seem to be(like that sentence :P), they were just CREATIVE..

I only have 3 words for u: I’m A hacker!!!!!!!!!!!



I know u’re saying stuff like “w000t’s that jerk talkin’ about!!!” but this article has spoilers in it hidden like JUNK IN A JUNKYARD…. comone stegano 7 should be real easy now..

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago


ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago


Nubzzz's avatar
Nubzzz 19 years ago

wow nice article

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Haha, I finally worked out the answer, its so easy once you know it. It's like, how come I didnt think of that an hour ago? Hmm, really weird article, your convicts thing didnt really help me. Its not what is written, its the tiny little details that people dont see, like, uh, I dont know, ,spoilers, maybe? -giggles- If you still dont get it, maybe you are thinking about it too much… Have fun.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Umm, right I'll take your word for it lol

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago


ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

iv got the answer but i cant c wat ur article had 2 do with it. :ninja:Maybe ur message is just too cleverly hidden?:ninja:

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago


ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago


ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago


ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

I'd more say that instead of helping us, you just gave us another Stegano challenge :p

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

if only more of them were like that :ninja:

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

dude… seriously. People look to these for help. thats why they are called tutorials. What good is a tutorial that talks randomly for half the post, then tells of what we already know, and then gives us a clue that we already know is there, yet Gives absolutely zero additional information.

ghost's avatar
ghost 14 years ago

:DD Funniest article at HBH :happy:

ghost's avatar
ghost 14 years ago

:DD Funniest article at HBH :happy:

RootsBabilonia's avatar
RootsBabilonia 14 years ago


Most articles on HBH should contain it at the beginning **"This will get you LOST and will NEVER HELP U!!" **