Steganography, challenge8
Steganography, challenge8

Okay this steg. is based on an old trick used to hide information in pictures even before computers!
Once you first see it it may look weird but for most its pretty obvious what has been done to it, it's simple, if not fiddle around with the colours and you should fix that bit.
Now this bit for most is familiar again, especially guys, we get this problem in about 1/10 of us, and girls you're not left out about 1/250 suffer this. once you regognise it either fix it or just do a simple google search. If you need help, think about this its a test, you will have done it before abuot 3/4 times especially if you live in the U.K.
On my first try with two words i brought up not only the website but the page in that website that would help me, !!! Hail the all mighty GOOGLE !!!
If you need further help, PM me.

ghost 19 years ago
Erm… do people see these articles before they get passed through, because, no offense, but this needs a bit of work =\ I mean, the point of an article is so that the info can be isolated and one doesnt have to search Google for it =\

ghost 19 years ago
No ts not, Its to give guidence, google searchs some 8 billion pages, you need help with it first, and if all the answers were on the page it would be shit no?

ghost 19 years ago
Not really, but the best guidance can be achieved with as much information as possible.

ghost 19 years ago
No, thats how to learn to be a lazy fuck. It's simple Psycha- Xer0X no-one wants to know the answers except those who are not good enough to do them, I bet you also read this article before trying it by your self, or tried it because you thought you could get teh answer off here if it was too hard. If thats so you may as well fuck off now, no one will give you answers.

ghost 19 years ago
Nice retort wolfman. I remember my doctor used to make me look at these things to see if I was color blind.

ghost 19 years ago
lol, and…not like this happened to me or anything…but make sure your answer is in the right casing (lower-case/upper-case). :p

Neo_Chalchus 19 years ago
whoah…thanks. Never realized something this cryptic could be this helpful! lol:p

ghost 19 years ago
i looked for 1 about 10 mins i got bored and did something else then had one last look and found it

ghost 19 years ago
Rofl I've been looking at it for 30 minutes straight now… Cant see anything in it… Maybe one big letter, but not sure. Maybe I'll ask a girl to look at it, but I want to solve it myself… :P Someone else should be able to see it :)

ghost 18 years ago
i kinda knew what i was lookin for…i cant see it!!! i can see the difference in shading, but i cant tell what it is cuz my mind recognizes patterns and wont stop shifting from pattern to pattern (makes it feel like the damn thing is wiggling….i hate me!

ghost 18 years ago
alright, i hate me! i had it all along, i just had it set for steg 7 instead of 8…