TelNet - tutorial for noobs
TelNet - tutorial for noobs

Disclaimer - I nor Hellboundhackers takes responsibility for your actions, this article is for educational purpose only.
Telnet stands for TELecommunication NETwork. It is a network protocol used on the Internet or local area network (LAN) connections. It was developed in 1969. TELNET clients are available for virtually all platforms (win, linux, mac).
Most often, a user will be telnetting to a Unix-like server system or a simple network device such as a router. For example, a user might "telnet in from home to check his mail at school". In doing so, he would be using a telnet client to connect from his computer to one of his servers. Once the connection is established, he would then log in with his account information and execute operating system commands remotely on that computer, (DOS commands, linux Kernel commands).
Things you might need to google - Telnet, tcp/IP.
How to connect to telnet and spoof an e-mail on winXP.
open a command prompt type "telnet" !always with out quotes! press enter
type "open 25"
Syntax = (command) (Address or IP) (port#)
press enter
type "mail from:" press enter
type "rcpt to:" press enter
type "data" press enter
type "subject: subjecthear" press enter
type " thebodyoftheemailhear " press enter
type "." press enter
type "close"
Congrats you just spoofed an e-mail
You can do allot more with tell net! try connecting to other servers and IPs all you need is the IP and port #. Different port numbers let you transfer different types of files.
Port #s
25 - E-mail transfer protocal
21 - FTP File Transfer Protocal (mp3, jpg, txt, etc…)
80 - HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocal (html)
443 - HTTPS Hyper Text Transfer Protocal Secure (depends on the site)
3306 - MySQL
110 - POP3
143 - Imap
587 - SMTP Secure Mail Transfer Protocal (ALT Mail)
!Another Example!
Want to watch star wars?
open a command prompt and open telnet
type "open" press enter
TaDa!!! lol just watch it

clone4 16 years ago
Sorry but poor… Why ? Well to begin with, anything "for noobs" means that the content of the article will be in fact covering just the very basics of the subject, without even considering more technical aspects etc. And I don't think that this type of article belongs to this site, I mean just google telnet tutorial or something similiar, and you will be given literally thousands of exactly same articles. As said above, you've covered not in-depth and also pretty random information ( even tho I liked the email spoofing ), which is not usable even as good introduction to this subject, therefor doesn't enrich this community in any way.

ghost 16 years ago
Wow what the fuck. Seriously admin's how could you let this be excepted. Poor. Very poor.

ghost 16 years ago
Okay, okay… obviously, whoever approved this piece of crap either had a sense of humor or didn't bother reading it at all. The history of Telnet was nice… until I realized that it was blatant theft from this: Go ahead… find all of the sentences almost word for word. As soon as I saw you start going into how to spoof an email with Telnet, vomit from the last 57 times someone found that interesting started to come back up. Oh… and you fucked it up; you forgot your "HELO" or "EHLO" after you get the 220 back from the mail server. Port 25 is SMTP, not "Email transfer protocol". SMTP doesn't stand for "Secure Mail Transfer Protocol"… it's "Simple", not "Secure". If it was secure, we wouldn't need PGP or S/MIME. Hell, for that matter, you could've done an article about SSH (more secure than Telnet, similar purposes), really put some effort into it… and probably gotten at least a Good rating. And what the hell was that crap at the end? We don't want jokes… we want some fucking content. Some GOOD content.

ghost 16 years ago
Thank you Zephyr_Pure for that well thought out comment I was too angry when I read that. Also you are right it's almost word for word from and like Zephyr said also we are not here for jokes or laughter we are here to learn and spread knowledge. I still can't believe this got approved though I mean seriously…

Futility 16 years ago
;KJLNHASKnoisJSLYEfga;h (Yes, that was the sound of me ripping out my own eyes)
Why, you ask? Because this was the most useless, poorly written excuse for an article in quite a long time. If you want details, please refer to Zephyr's post above. He seems to have nailed it perfectly. Like usual.
(Note: I did not accept this article. Still don't have the privs)

fuser 16 years ago
Damn lousy article man. Seriously, there are already countless tutorials on telnet and how to spoof email using it.

korg 16 years ago
WOW, I agree with Zephyr, Really outdated, Misinformed and mostly bullshit. Admins need to delete this before too many people see it. Shit… there is no garbage rating. -30/10

ghost 16 years ago
IT is not good ever use telnet!!! anyone wouls be able to see the data. always better to connect stright to the console :evil: TAKE MY WORD IT HAVE TAMMPERED WITH DATA BEFORE

ghost 16 years ago
My guess is the guy that's checking out your console… he said something about connecting straight through and tampering with your dangler.

Uber0n 16 years ago
type "subject: subjecthear"
type " thebodyoftheemailhear "
It's "here", not "hear". And also, I think it's quite obvious who rated this article Awesome :D (rated "Poor" btw)

ghost 16 years ago
Well, the one that rated Awesome… is either an unfamiliar idiot or pendragon under another alias. The Good… well, we already covered that. No big surprise on the delusional vote there.