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How to save Pandora songs with the new version of pandora

How to save Pandora songs with the new version of pandora

By ghostghost | 6448 Reads |
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How to save Pandora songs with the new version of pandora

First of all, if you have never used pandora go to pandora.com. It is an internet radio station that uses your music choices to decide what you want to hear next.

The problem is that it doesn't allow you to rewind or replay songs when you want to. Pandora used to leave the mp3's as temp files on your computer and all you had to do was rename them and ad the ID3 info. They plugged that hole and now the song is only stored in ram, so unless you want to do a lot of digging you can't find the song right? Well, I found a song I really liked but couldn't find it anywhere else, so I wanted to figure out how to grab it from pandora. I'm not sure if anyone else has found this method yet and are keeping it under wraps or what but I couldn't find anything about it on the net.

What you'll need: Open Pandora, the exe version of pandora player Ethereal, you had better know what this is Any web browser

First, fire up ethereal and enter the capture config screen, set it to your ethernet device, set capture filter to "tcp port 80", check "Update list of packets in real time", check "Hide Capture info Dialog", if you have problems with ethereal randomly crashing uncheck all the Name Resolution boxes. Click Start to begin capturing packets.

Start Open Pandora and select your station, wait for the song you want to start playing, you may want to periodically purge the sniff buffer or it can get kinda hard to find the connection you need later.

When the song you want starts playing wait a few seconds and press pause. Go into ethereal and find an http packet that looks something like this: GET /access/56475667880260387?version=4&lid=24778476&token=XwhviV9SBJEYI8TTCX7VV7LNCAN1Y2zIdB but the token will be a lot longer, I truncated this one so it would fit here.

Right click on this packet and select "Follow TCP Stream". In the window that pops up select everything between "GET" and "HTTP/1.1" Paste it into a notepad instance, then from the stream dump copy the Host address. Put the URL in front of the host address and put it in your browser, hit enter.

A download of some randomly named file should start, when it finishes rename it, add the ID3 info, and add the mp3 extension.

Congratulations! You can now keep your Pandora music!


You may reproduce this anywhere but please give me credit.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Nice method, sucks that the patched the part about them storing it in the temp files! :p Although, soundclick is still exploitable to that…

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

You could also record the whole song with Audacity and export is as a MP3. That works with Youtube too.:D

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Nice work download.

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

Is there even an .exe version anymore? I can't find it on their site.