Basics of Web Hacking
Basics of Web Hacking

There are several articles here on hbh about hacking. Though I haven't seen any that explain what to look for, there mostly all for certain exploits. So anyways…
Whenever trying to hack a site, theres a few things you should do.
- Look for common directories.
Whenever someone makes a site, they usually name directories by what they hold. Ex. If I was going to store info on ufo theories, I wouldn't name the dir. something that has nothing to do with ufo's. I would probably name it "ufo", or "ufos", or mayby "ufofiles". Anyway, just look for what you think the owner would have named it. Here are a few common directory names.
admin bak test files include includes images members users tmp logs
- Look in the source.
Webmasters often leave comments in the source. Now, while they may not leave their passwords in the source, they very often leave the login page in the source. Ex. <!– /admin/admnlgn.php –> Also, if there's more than one person working on the site, they might leave each other notes in the source. Ex. <!– Hey Joe, im gonna get some sleep now, could you go ahead and finish up the login for me. –> This tells you that the login isn't finished and may be exploitable. So as a rule, always look in the source, you never know what you'll find.
- Look for a robots.txt.
Google and other search engines index sites to make them searchable. This poses a problem for site owners who have things they'd rather not be searchable. So, to remedy this, web owners can place a file in their root directory called "robots.txt". It might look something like this
User-agent: * Disallow: Disallow: /includes/ Disallow: /logs/
So, you now know there's two dirs. One named "includes" and one named "logs" To see a real example of one, goto .
Also, if the site is owned by a decent sized company, you can bet that the dirs, users, and passes are gonna have to do with what the job is. Ex. Someone with the job of "service technician" might have a user name of "srvctch001" and a pass of "s3rv1c3t3ch". So, just mess around a bit.
Well, I hope this article is helpfull, It's aimed for beginners, so I hope it's easily understandable.

ghost 18 years ago
:o:p uhm. which part didnt u understand, must make it 1337 and sooper understandable.

ghost 18 years ago
You didnt understand it but rated it awesome? o.O Lol anyway, Good article. Very interesting.

ghost 18 years ago
you should have added about the use of web spiders, and cgi bugs and cgi bug scanners… but overall, a very nice beginner article, and you also didn't spoon feed all the script kiddies.

ghost 18 years ago
Someone with the job of "service technician" might have a user name of "srvctch001" and a pass of "s3rv1c3t3ch". So, just mess around a bit. i think this is very rare to be found..

ghost 18 years ago
Usually default passwords would be initials/d.o.b of emplyer. eg John Doe , 05-08-1979 JD5879 would be a pass

ghost 18 years ago
/me agrees with Flash, Great article, missing the 5 major web vulnerabilities though

ghost 18 years ago
Hmmm…. you sould solve more challenges (4 my op) to give a global review of all of them…. now you have only a small part of the… picture.