Tech News
American computer programmer who has testified under oath, states he was hired by Congressman Tom Feeney in 2000 to create a prototype software package that could secretly rig an election. According to the programmer, the actual code is less than 100 lines and very simple to make, \"anyone could do it\". He says his prototype program could sway election results 51 / 49 to a specified side. Read more here.
According to the most recent update to security-firm Symantec\'s biannual Internet Security Threat Report, the last six months saw a significant uptick in the number of security vulnerabilities found in web browsers. Leading the way was Firefox, with 47 bugs discovered. Researchers and hackers discovered 38 vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, 12 in Safari, and seven in Opera.
Future commuters could be set to swap opening the morning paper for unfurling a laptop screen as the roll-up laptop takes one more step towards reality. A team of engineers at the University of Cambridge have developed \'morphing materials\' which have the ability to retain up to three structures, meaning within five years\' time it could be possible to roll-up your laptop screen as easily as a newspaper.
California police are probing if computer hackers illegally downloaded a private taped conversation of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger from state computers, a spokesman said Monday. The recording was published in a newspaper soon afterwards. In the recording Arnold (a notorious racist) can be heard making comments regarding Latino and African-American citizens.
Microsoft is working on closing a loophole that creates a means to strip usage restriction from music files wrapped in its DRM technology. A program called FairUse4WM, recently posted on the internet, allows users to bypass Microsoft\'s Digital Rights Management (DRM) system.
A research team at Cardiff univercity, (a place renouned for technology students) claims to had a breakthrough and hacked one of the largest online banking systems in the United Kingdom. How did they do it? They havnt released full details yet, but we know a keylogger was involved and then the account has a maximum of 9 access attempts before its breached. They came across this \"weakness\" when researching into online banking security.