Welcome to HBH! If you have tried to register and didn't get a verification email, please using the following link to resend the verification email.

  • Version 2.0.19

    Updated the donation history page to show all years instead of this year and last year.
    Added caching to the donation history page for the previous years data.
    Removed the broken donations component from the HBH landing page.
    Updated our PHP dependencies.
    Updated the OS on all our servers to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat).
    Setup our new Percona database cluster in LON1 & FRA1.
    Updated HBH to use our new Percona cluster along side our current database cluster for testing.
    Setup a new mointoring system for our Percona cluster and our new infrastructure.
    Decommissioned our MySQL cluster in FRA1, NYC2 & SFO1
    Decommissioned our Redis node in NYC2 & SFO1.
    Decommissioned our iSCSI node in NYC2 & SFO1.
    Decommissioned our Veeam setup in NYC2 & SFO1.
    Decommissioned our Phabricator install in NYC2 & AMS2.
    Decommissioned our warm DR MySQL cluster in AMS2.
    Decommission and sell all our infrastructure in Flexential's Tampa locations.
    Setup and testing of Phorge in LON1 with our current GitHub setup being used as a mirror.
    Recreated our infrastructure from Tampa in LON1, FRA1 & FSN1.
    Setup our infrastructure tools from Flexential's Tampa locations in LON1, FRA1 & FSN1.
    Setup our Labs testing system in LON1, FRA1 & FSN1.

  • Version 2.0.18

    Added notice to the profile page to show if a user is banned.
    Fixed an issue with basic 7 which was stopping the challenge be marked as complete
    Fixed an issue with basic 3 which was not setting cookies correctly
    Fixed an issue with basic 15 which was not setting cookies correctly
    Fixed social enginerring 2 not making as completed correctly
    Updated the HBH core config and core code to allow cookies for the challenges to work correctly
    Added a notice to basic 7 if completed that your cache needs to be cleared to attempt the challenge agin
    Update the flash messages in basic 3
    Fixed basic 15
    Fixed a session error on prerequisite 2
    Allow staff to assign a reported issue to a different staff member
    Updated the z-index on our adverts
    Fixed an issue with the delete user command
    Added the reputation system to the artiles system
    Make sure the forum views id is a number
    Changed about us page to calaucate the current year so it not hard coded
    Released Timed 1
    Released Timed 2
    Released Timed 3
    Fixed a number of Typographical errors across the site.Fixes HBH Issue 78.
    Fixed an issue with basic 9 stopping the challenge being marked as complete
    Make sure when sending a conversation that the subjet and message has required content
    Changes to the donation history UI
    Updated the view count command so if a deadlock is found the command will run again automatically
    Update dependencies across the site to resolve known CVEs

  • Version 2.0.17

    Allow feature requests to be private
    Only show the feature request system to logged in users
    Remove a href on search box. Fixes HBH Issue 57.
    Update forum titles for the challenges to match the new names. Fixes HBH Issue 52.
    Added the option to download the patch challenges content. Fixes HBH Issue 54.
    Fixed an issuse with the flash messages on Basic 15
    Fixed an issue with news submissions
    Fixed an issue steganography 20
    Fixed an issue with the create notes forms
    Fixed an issue with the search form
    Added some new validation to the lost email verification system in the sign up system
    Added some new validation and changed the logic in the login system for deleted user accounts
    Added a new command to check for deleted user accounts
    Don't show deleted users in the staff dashboard
    Don't show deleted users profile to staff on the profile page
    Updated the view count command to truncate tables when the command completed successfully
    Fixed a number of different issues across the site caused by the deleted user system
    Fixed an issue were the description was not being saved on the feature request system
    Added a new command to recount users reputation
    Run the recount of reputation in production.Fixes HBH HBH Issue 59.
    Added reputation system to issues and HOF
    Ensure a deleted user shows the ghost system user
    Update dependencies across the site to resolve known CVEs

  • Version 2.0.16

    Added a system to log empty threads so they can be removed to clean up the forum.
    Added auto cache clearing system for blogs and news post.
    Released Reverse Engineering 1.
    Released Reverse Engineering 2.
    Released Reverse Engineering 3.
    Fixed an issue with editing thread posts Issue #41.
    Moved to self host Font Awesome.
    Change the count of blog & news item shown on the home page.
    Fixed an issue with challenge page titles being incorrect.
    Update contact form to meet GDPR rules for contact forms.
    Made sure all challenges show the hint button.

  • Version 2.0.15

    Fixed an issue with announcement which stopped some announcement being shown.
    Updated the database for announcement system.
    Added a cache ttl of 6 hours to the announcement system.
    Added custom style for markdown's table of contents.
    Change the scheduled time that some backend commands run.
    Fixed an issue with the issue system which removed the Markdown formatting from the issues. Issue #20.
    Fixed an issue with the forum that caused some forums and thread to return a 500 error when pagination was used.
    Fixed an issue where missing older threads would returning a 500 error, the threads now return a 404 error.
    Added the n00b filter to the about me section in a user profile to prevent spam.
    Updated our frontend and backend dependencies.
    Added Markdown support to the news system.
    Added command to clear the home page cache when a blog or news item has being posted.
    Changed all Slack links to Discord based on community feedback and requests.
    All issues have been updated to the new Markdown format.

  • Version 2.0.14

    Added challenge part system to Basic Web Hacking 1 as a test for the new part system.
    Added a command to recount users challenge points to ensure they are correct.
    Added Steganography Challenge 18.
    Fixed an issue with the login system for 2FA & U2F which stopped last login time being logged
    Fixed backend command to consolidate views across the site.
    Fixed border colour on the challenges Issue #27.
    Fixed an issue which stopped users being able to view closed issues.
    Fixed an issue with basic 18 where the challenge would incorrectly accept some answers and not others. Issue #27.
    Fixed basic 20 and set the challenge to online.

  • Version 2.0.13

    Fixed an issue which stopped forum post edits being saved.
    Fixed an issue with the reputation system that caused a 500 error when down voting
    Fixed an issue with the report system that stopped reports being processed
    Fixed an issue with PHP types which stopped 404 pages being and instead shown a 500 error
    Fixed an issue with the admin panel for logical challenge submissions

  • Version 2.0.12

    Added and link to go back to the challenge index on basic 17 when you submit an incorrect command.
    Fixed an issue which stopped member being able to update their bio.
    Fixed an issue which stopped comments being checked by the n00b filter.
    Fixed an issue which stopped members reporting issues with the issue system
    Fixed Javascript 3 to accept the correct URL
    Fixed the security settings page for 2FA & U2F
    Fixed some backend code for 2FA & U2F

  • Version 2.0.11

    Added blog posts to the home page.
    Added a new profile UI.
    Added the option to sort users by points.
    Updated the database in the last round of major database changes.
    Updated the polls UI.
    Private issues can now been viewed by the author.
    Updated the announcement system so we can show different announcement to logged in and non logged in users.
    Updated the UI for the Meet the Staff page.
    Updated our ad code to help with funding the site.
    Removed legacy code for the polls.
    Fixed SPAG issue on the conversation system tool tips.
    Fixed an issue with the conversation page which showed an ! incorrectly on all messages.
    Fixed an issue with basic 13 which cause a 500 error .
    Fixed a recurring 500 error with the forum where the system was unable to get the parent name of the forum.
    Fixed an issue with forum thread titles missing causing 500 errors

  • Version 2.0.10

    Removed custom time for the articles database and updated the code to match the new time system.
    Removed custom time for the blog database and updated the code to match the new time system.
    Removed custom time for the code bank database and updated the code to match the new time system.
    Removed custom time for the FAQ database and updated the code to match the new time system.
    Removed custom time for the news database and updated the code to match the new time system.
    Removed custom time for the shoutbox database and updated the code to match the new time system.
    Started work on timezone support site wide.

  • Version 2.0.9

    Added a new issue reporting system.
    Updated the comment databases to remove columns and make preparations for threaded comments.
    Upated most of the comments code due to the major database changes.
    Updated the comment admin dashboard due to the major database changes.
    Made sure all hardcoded images have alt text.
    Fixed the reputation UI on the latest code bank page.

  • Version 2.0.8

    Update the forum database to remove extra columns that are no lonnger needed.
    Moved most of the forum to use Laravel relationships.
    Upated most of the forum code due to the major database changes.
    Updated the forum UI.
    Fixed basic 17.
    Moved annoucements from the forum to the blog.
    Added staff applications. Applications will open soon
    Updated advertisements code.
    Updates to the front-end and its dependencies
    Add rules pages
    Moved a number of pages around to different locations
    Made changes to all pages to resolve SEO issues with H1 tags
    Change the error pages to use hosted versions of its assets
    Fixed an issue with the terminate account system which stopped it removing users account that we set to delete by users.
    Updated Basic 6 to simply the code
    Updated Javascript 5 to simply the code
    Added Javascript 9 to have flash messages when the password is wrong
    Removed incorrect HTML comment in Basic 11
    Added link to the user profile on comments
    Added option to send PM to user on the profile page
    Fixed Javascript 6
    Fixed Javascript 7
    Fixed an issue with Application Cracking 18 which stopped anwsers being submitted for admin review
    Updated the reputation system to use Ajax
    Fixed an issue with the comment system which stopped comments being posted for feature request
    Fixed a type issue with the article system which cause a 500 error instead of a 404 error.

  • Version 2.0.6

    Update n00b protection to remove the 100 point limit.
    Updated the article database and remove some code from the article system now we have migrated.
    Updated the codebank database and remove some code from the article system now we have migrated.
    Fixed an issue with the wrong error exception being used.

  • Version 2.0.5

    Fixed an issue with the forum which stopped users creating or reply to threads.
    Fixed an issue with Steganography 16 which stopped the image being shown or downloaded.
    Fixed an issue with Steganography 17 which stopped the image being shown or downloaded.
    Fixed an issue with Steganography 19 which stopped the image being shown or downloaded.
    Fixed an issue with Basic 4 which stopped the challenge being completed.
    Fixed an issue with Basic 17 which stopped the challenge being completed.
    Fixed an issue with Basic 12 which stopped the challenge being completed.
    Fixed an issue with Basic 22 which stopped the challenge being completed.
    Fixed an issue with Basic 8 which stopped the challenge being completed.
    Fixed an issue with Basic 10 which stopped the challenge being completed.

  • Version 2.0.4

    Added n00b protection system back to the core to combat spam posts and general spam from accounts.
    Updated our advertisement code.
    Corrected a typo in tracking 1.
    Fixed basic 7.

  • Version 2.0.3

    Fixed an issue with Prerequisite 2 that was stopping users being able to complete the challenge.
    Fixed an issue with the count of challenges completed in each category being counted incorrectly for users on the challenge index page.
    Fixed an issue with basic 9
    Fixed an issue with basic 5.
    Fixed an issue with basic 10.
    Fixed an issue with Markdown image check causing timeout errors.
    Fixed an issue with Select2 on the conversation page
    Fixed an issue with admin page which stopped some admin functions from working correctly.
    Fixed a number of issues with the submission systems.

  • Version 2.0.2

    Fixed an issue with 2FA which was causing the image to be corrupt and stop people from enabling 2FA.
    Fixed an issue with the frontend Javascript for the avatar upload.
    Fixed a validation issue with the bug report system.
    Fixed an issue with the site search system.
    Fixed an issue with the code bank categories.
    Fixed an issue which stopped the challenge hints showing.

  • Version 2.0.0

    Complete rewrite of HBH
    New HBH logo
    Added new social media accounts
    Updated adverts to new advert code from our provider
    Added infrastructure mointoring tools for servers and network
    New public status page for HBH's infrastructure
    Complete rebuild of HBH's server infrastructure
    Complete rebuild of HBH's network infrastructure.

  • Version 1.4.3

    Added Cloudflare
    Added Adverts to help with costs of running the site
    Move HBH to a new server to help reduce costs

  • Version 1.4.1

    Fixed real 7
    Fixed various encryption challenges
    Updated Status Page
    Remove URL Shortener

  • Version 1.4.0

    Fixed various challenges
    Fixed broken Timed links on the Profile
    Removed broken links
    Prep for override of HBH

  • Version 1.3.4

    Changed the news to be database driven
    ACP Updates
    Added del html tag
    Added staff page
    Fixed Real 18 FPD
    Removed old xml files
    Removed news_publication folder
    Removed themes folder
    Added assets folder for all images, js and css
    Update to the login system

  • Version 1.3.3

    Fixed FPD in Real 12

  • Version 1.3.2

    Updated the login system
    Changed the default hashing system
    Fixed RSS problems
    ACP fixes
    Fixed Real 13 broken image
    Resolved shoutbox problems
    Broken PM link
    Added VERSION
    Confirm delete added to EM notes
    Added HoV to affiliates

  • Version 1.3.1

    Javascript 8 fix and updated

  • Version 1.3.0

    New CAPTCHA System
    Removed old database table
    Fix an issue with the news not updating
    Updated developers
    New layout in testing
    New Issue system

  • Version 1.2.9

    New Article submission system
    Refactored ACP
    Database optimization
    Database changes
    Updated MDR rules

  • Version 1.2.8

    Refactored the Private Message system
    Refactored the Article system
    Refactored the main theme
    Removed some old Adverts
    Added a system to ban a user from using the Private Message System
    Added a report system for spam PM's
    Fix a server error which stoped developers from working
    Updated Developers

  • Version 1.2.7

    Implemented Forward Secrecy.
    Updated server software
    PHP Update
    Mysql Update
    Refactored the user profile page
    Change folder layout of user
    Updated Development page

  • Version 1.2.6

    Styx added
    Updated the main theme
    Updated some challenges
    Updated Jquery
    Updated Server software
    Updated Dev system
    HBH URL Shortener added (EM)
    Few minor fixes to the challenges
    Database updated, old querys removed
    Added Jquery UI

  • Version 1.2.5

    Core updated (Staff Only)

  • Version 1.1.6 - 1.2.0

    Server Updates and Core system changes (Staff Only)

  • Version 1.1.4

    XSS vulnerabilitys patched
    Forum layout updated

  • Version 1.1.3

    XSS vulnerability patched

  • Version 1.1.2

    Removed hardcoded Mod's from the forum
    Removed DEPRECATED functions from multiple files
    Patched a forum vulnerability
    Real 17 back online
    More forum fixes

  • Version 1.1.1

    Removed article adverts
    Removed the mentors and HBH Con forums and posts
    Removed old code and files

  • Version 1.1.0

    Fixed some broken links in the theme
    Changed the folder layout
    Moved some code to a class
    Removed some legacy code
    Fixed some problems with the user panel
    Removed some old DB querys that weren't need anymore
    Removed old HTML & CSS

  • Version 1.0.9

    Updated GeSHi to latest version

  • Version 1.0.8

    Patched theme layout
    Patched CSRF in images
    More changes to the Layout system

  • Version 1.0.7

    Added an SSL and now forcing all users to use it
    Added three new stegano challenges (Steg 25, Steg 26, Steg 27)
    Changes to the Layout sysytem
    New Real themes added for testing
    Added link to our Twitter account

  • Version 1.0.6

    Updates to the server
    Changes to layout class
    CSRF Patching
    Upgraded various parts of the code base

  • Version 1.0.5

    Changes to the theme
    Fixed bugs with the shoutbox
    Fixed Mod_Rewrite errors