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App 10 shl

ghost's Avatar
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If read about segment registers like

eax and how its divided, but how does the SHL instruction works? I googled it, but didn;t find something usefull.. Its says SHL eax,10. but it only changes AH, and i dont know how it changes it. Please help me

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B) SHL is multiplication for example:

00401124 |. C1E0 10 SHL EAX,10 ; multiply EAX by 10

SHR is Division:

0040115A C1E8 1C SHR EAX,1C ; Divide EAX by 1C

But I wouldn't worry about those because they are just a smoke screen. The actual password is stored by XOR encryption.

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thanx man, cus i allways try to understand evry thing you know, :P

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SHL = shift (hex) left. ex. 00004141 = 41410000

set lots of breakpoints. you will get it. i set breakpoints from the input to the output. very easy to understand whats going on when you look at it in ollybdg.

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SHL is shifting left by a certain amount of bits

since hex is bytes and there's 8 bits in a byte eg mov EAX,12345678 SHL EAX,16

EAX would now be 56780000