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real 2 php script - help needed*Spoilers*

ghost's Avatar
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dudes could someone check out my script and let me know whats wrong casue it just wont run i think it might be the parser and not the code


function UrlExists($url)
    if(strstr($url, "http://")) $url = str_replace("http://", "", $url);
    $fp = @fsockopen($url, 80);
    if($fp == false) return false;// was ===
    return true;

bool $PageIsValid = false; 
			$PageIsValid = UrlExists($TestedUrl);
				echo $TestedUrl;

thanx in advance:D

ghost's Avatar
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I don't know much of php so i can't help you that way, but i suggest you to use cUrl…it simplifies a lot. Google for it…you can use libcurl iside your php script, or you can use a commend line application ( which is the way i did this challenge ).