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Realistic 1 (it's my kryptonite) *May contain spoilers*

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Okay okay, so I found the magic file with the admin pass but it's encrypted. It looks like a LM hash but how the hell can you decrypt a LM hash alone?! Don't you need a NTLM hash too? I have slaved over google but I can't find ANY program that can do that only. I have tried to edit it in a txt file so that it's the LM only but no program that I use wants to brute this. Am I even remotely close to the answer? Please let me know so that I can stop breaking my balls over this coz I hate the fact that I'm having trouble with the first one. :angry:

ghost's Avatar
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Do you think that you need to retrieve the password or could there be another way?

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Well, I read that some people are raving about the authID but how is that going to help me? I have tried to inject that and it does show up in the cookie but it doesn't log me in.

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Well, what exactly was it that you did after you changed the cookie? Is it the right AuthID and did you spell it with the right capitalization?

ghost's Avatar
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How can you get type of admin hash?

You know johndoe's password and his password hash You have to use hash calculator (I suggest Cain's) and convert johndoe's password to all well known types of hashes. What comes next? I think you allready know what to do :)

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this doesn't look that hard after all:happy: