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Real 5 questions

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1: i cant figure out the ip i need, i cant even find a thing that looks remotely like an ip…im about ready to make a script that does every possible ip……altho that would be a waiste of time cuz it should be there

2: is there meant to be more than one way to get the directory and password (ie view the email a different way?) cuz i found another way that didnt occur to me to be it because i had read the article and went to the forums and i believed that i had to do it a different way ( i can access both emails w/o changing cookies, is this meant to happen? i will pm an admin how i did this if it is wanted)

edit:alright, i got the ip, stupid me didnt check everything, like i usually do cuz i thought it was one place but it was another….

one more thing: markup<?php else { echo "You are not logged in"; } ?> doesnt do ne thing but show up at the bottom of the screen, it appears that it is being displayed as str8 text, not as php code…reason?

as far as i can tell that code only appears when action=members on the main page…..

and i meant to say that i still cant seem to figure out the report thingy….

ghost's Avatar
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have you tried looking at all the source pages in the special directory?

see something? try it?



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yes, i have…i just havent been able to figure out how to use the piece of info i find out…

edit: i figured it out…it occured to me right after i did this….

new problem:

We could not send you report due to the following reasons

  1. The member does not exist or is not an administartor


edit:i figured it out….i swear it had nothing to do with capitalization