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Realistic 4 help

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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I have read all of the forum postings and the article written on this subject. Anyone point me in the right direction?

I have found the admin login page, user login page. When I log in as Drake (as told to by the article) I get a member login page without the login boxes.

I am stuck and my head hurts…

Please help out if you can.


ghost's Avatar
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I'm on the mission too (a later part), but I'll help you out.

In system_meltdown's article, it says

Now when you are in the directory called /mi/ you should see a link to a login page,** but instead we want to view the source of the page we're in. So view it already! Now in the source you should see an admin login,** now instead of going there we login as Drake in the members login and view the files in there.

ghost's Avatar
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I dont think thats what his problem is for I am having the same problem as he is. We already know about both the Member login and the Admin login but when you go to the Member login and you login in as Drake with his password, the password box along with the username disappears as if you have logged in but then there are no pages to go to, no buttons to click, nothing at all that you guys act like is in there. Also, when I then go to the Admin's login from there and I login with Drake's info I can log in but it does the same thing, looks like I have but really I dont get anything to click on or do and if I try using 'a**.php' which was mentioned in that Tut, I get the page but it says something about passing its a param, or something. Either way I cant view the page anyway so how would I know what I need to pass it?

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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I am done 4…5 is where I am stuck ATM

ghost's Avatar
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Do you mind helping me then? Since you have finished it? I am having the same problem you reported, and so I still can't get past it.

ghost's Avatar
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Dang! This is a tough one. I almost got it. I just don't get the bit where you have to inject all.php…

ghost's Avatar
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So hey, um… I finished this one and it said "Congratulations! 45 points have been added!" But I only got 35 points… why?