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Crappy Realistic 6
It may seem stupid but i really can't figure it out. I tryed ALL possible directories:
_vti_bin - _vti_cnf/ - _vti_log - _vti_pvt/ - _vti_txt - images/_vti_cnf/ - _private - _private/_vti_cnf - _vti_bin - _vti_pvt/_vti_cnf -
But not at least one is working.
images/_vti_cnf/ is listing me a lot of picutres and a thumb.db but nothing usefull…
What is wrong,could someone put me on the right direction?
you need to do whatever it takes to obtain the pasword, remembering that this is not easy otherwise it would be pointless, the passwords are not gonna be plain txt are they? or are they?, research types of encryption if sometihng simialer comes up then assume thts the type of encryption your dealing with