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Introducing myself

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Hello everyone! I’ve never been great at forum introductions, but my name is Hayden and I’m just here to practice and improve my hacking and programming skills because it’s fun :P

Some commonly asked questions:

Q: What languages do you speak? A: Primarily just English, although I’m reasonably conversational in French as well. (and also C of course)

Q: How did you find the site? A: I’ve known about this sites existence for a few years actually, but never looked into it until now and felt intrigued to join.. I believe I first heard about HBH on HackThisSite when I used to go there way back when.

Q: What made you want to learn how to hack? A: Probably seeing it in movies as a little kid lol, and then when I went on to learn programming later in life, I realized hacking was a lot of fun.

Q: What do you want to learn? A: No expectations, just want to explore new stuff.

Q: How long have you been interested in computers? What keeps you interested in them? A: I first started learning to program when I was about 10 years old, and there’s always been something new or interesting in the field of CS to read about. As for the latter part of that question, it’s just another hobby to relieve boredom in this boring world.

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Hello Hayden! Welcome to the site and hope to see you stick around for a while. While the forum doesn’t seem to have many questions being asked currently, it really is a great place to receive advice on basically any topic related to “hacking”. Also feel free to DM me with specific questions (about challenges or other) and zoom on over to hbh’s slack if you want more immediate interaction. Also, the challenges are all currently being double(/triple) checked and fixed/rewritten as necessary, so if anything feels wonky, go ahead and report it. You’ve chosen an interesting time to swing by as almost every day something new is being created by the devs and the stuff on the horizon looks pretty neat. Glad to have you around and hopefully… the… world? continues to be boring? I suppose? I also came from HTS quite a long time ago- maybe with you here, the exodus will finally be complete.

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hello I would like also to introduce myself sorry @haydenki for using your thread I didnt want to make the same thread

I am not hacker but I have hacker experience from my early young age I previously thought it is my way but it is not but I dont want to waste my experience wich was worth trying

now I am interested in everythig connected with martial arts ( movies, religion, culture ) computers has taken the second place in my interests hello everybody

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Hey there omikron! No worries about sharing a thread and welcome in! And martial arts, eh? That’s pretty much the exact opposite of most of the computer nerds I know, so that’s neat. Well if you’ve ever got any questions or want to learn something new feel free to ask. Can’t speak much for the others, but I’m like 80% sure I don’t bite so there’s nothing to worry about

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it’s no interest for you hackers to hear that but i want recall that hacker manifesto says “we are all equal” I thought so but I changed my philosophy ( I may terribly wrong ) is that ppl are NOT equal

thank u @Futility for giving me courage I have thousands of questions thank u for your help

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The more questions, the merrier! Always gotta be learning new things!