Looking for a place to settle down
Hello people.
I don't have a lot to say and I'm a bit bad at introductions. I've been wandering around the webs for a long time, looking for a new place to settle down. Oldfags might have heard of Evilzone and that it has finally collapsed, I've been an admin there since 2009 (as I remember…), after that I kinda took a break and now looking for a new cool place to settle down. This place seems to be less active than it was few years ago though :(
Well anyway, about me - I'm a hacker/developer/tinkerer. I love to create/break and make it better/fix shit, hardware or software, and I consider myself a creative person, so I'm always busy with various projects I come up with.
I can program in a few different languages, but I'm not a professional in any of them - I'm the kind of person that gets shit done (but in a good way) and that requires me to adapt to a situation.
Currently I'm employed at an IT department in a semi-big company doing exactly that (computer repair, maintenance, servers, networking, programming, scripting… a bit of everything IT related) - a job I always dreamed of, honestly :)
Besides that I run a blog (shameless plug: http://9v.lt) where I write articles about some research that I do, tools or projects that I make… it's not very active, but I don't have a lot of readers either :P My latest and greatest project (as of this writing) is a console emulator in a briefcase (if anyone's interested): http://9v.lt/blog/console-emulator-briefcase/
And without IT related things in life, I'm also an active amateur photographer :)
See ya around!