hi HBH!
today it's exactly one month since i joined the site, so i thought that it was about time that i introduced myself :D
my interest in hacking started when i was around eleven or so. Me and a friend were screwing around with CMD, made some script on some school pc's and having fun. we were both interested in computers and i wanted to learn to hack, just like in the movies! I thought that it would be awesome to be able to hack into other peoples computers and see what they were doing so I googled around for "how to hack computers." I didn't got far with that, but i continued to play around in cmd. Until i (thought that i)nearly killed one of the school's pc's. That freaked me out, i was afraid to get in trouble if one of the computers wouldn't start so i continued playing around on my mothers machine, witch i managed to break :( at that time i had no idea how to fix it so my mom payed a tech guy to fix it. From that day i was more careful with other peoples computers. I then started to learn some html but discontinued that some days later because i didn't found it interesting.
A lot of things happened, suddenly i was 13 and i bought my first computer, a dell inspiron laptop witch i still use today. I still wanted to learn hacking so i googled around once again. This time i found hackthissite, but for some reason i could't sign up, i then found enigmagroup and started hacking there. I once joined their irc channel, they had a welcome screen with some names and this quote "And for the record, HBH Sucks!"(please don't tell them that i told you this) I didn't knew what HBH was so i googled it (ooh i love google!) and found helbound hackers! I signed up for fun but didn't tried any challenges. About a week later EG was down for a couple of days, I then got bored and took a look at helbound hackers and i has hooked! I haven't returned to EG yet :D
Today i'm slowly learning web programing and c, soon c++ i hope. I want to use hacking as a way to explore and find out how systems works, not for evil purposes. My big dream is to make a living of music, but if that fails then this is what i want to do.
That was my introduction, hopefully in my next post i get to use the ninja smiley