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Basic 20

ghost's Avatar
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ok im f*** stumped with basic 20 mysql with cookies what the hell am i looking for sorry im blocked here :angry:

ghost's Avatar
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did you search for articles or other forum threads about this before you decided to make a whole new thread? Usually, someone has had the same problem as you have in the past and someone else has helped them with an article or forum post. Unless you actually did search and just couldn't find anything, then making this thread just makes you look lazy. :)

ghost's Avatar
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skunkfoot, u make that a lose-lose situation. either he didnt look and he's inconsiderate or he did and he's lazy. that doesn't seem really fair

ghost's Avatar
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xD you're right. Sorry if I came off like a jerk, I just see a lot of people (like my brother, for instance) who ask someone else to solve their problems before they try at all to solve them themselves.

I'm pretty sure this is the "cookie poisoning" challenge, so try searching for an article here on HBH for that. :D

flame_1221's Avatar
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I am also stuck with this.. I had read all other thread and I know that we must change the value of w****i to admin.. But how to do it with sql?

ghost's Avatar
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I have read other threads and tutorials and blind google (blind because i have no idea) i open a new thread because i don't get the idea on the others and i need some new ideas i will thank anyone that point me in the right direction :happy:

ghost's Avatar
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ok, basically, you can't just change the wh**m* cookie to admn, you have to put in some SL code that will get something you need…