basic 6 is killing me :S
high people… i was wondering if anyone could help me out here? i've found all the files,i'm pretty sure i know the commands… i mean,i don't know axactly,but i've tried so many variatons of the chmod command,for days now,that i'm getting fed up with basic 6 :S could i mail someone what i believe the right answers are?
i hope that didn't sound too desperate…
i now.. i probably can tell what i have,since you can read it in every thread, about basic6…
$ chmod -a+x /something/. $ chmod -rm /something/something.* $ chmod -rm /something/some_thing.*
i've tried every combination… / before the something? rm with the- and with out… same for a+x
i know where the files are located…
what am i doing wrong here?
please edit if this IS a spoiler… 'cause it's all about thinking,reading and questioning your way out. nog copy'ing ;p