basic 6
Google basic unix commands and read Find the hidden file and your set. easy! go there…..a good article that system_meltdown has wrote to help with basics 1-16
Okay, everything i've done so far has been straigt forward until i hit a brick wall! This is basicly down to my patience, do i need to write the whole path after the command or just the command and the file? Or just part of the path and the command? Am i right that you put a space between the command and the file? Am i right in putting a space between chmod and a+x? Am i right in putting a "$" before all the commands?
If you answer all of them questions and i'm still stuck i'm grabbing an uzi and climbing a clock tower.
No. I really solved the Basic 6.
I am talking about something else now. I say that this challenge is wrong. The chmod a+x should not let you use rm to delete the files. There no way in a file that you don't have write access to delete it. So the chmod a+x should made no change, and you should not have been let delete the file.
Hello everyone. I have problems with basic 6 too.I think i have an elementary knowledge of unix shell and commands however i cannot pass this challenge…I have located the two files (logs.txt and _.* ) but when i submit the commands i keep getting redirected to invalid command page. Is there anyone to pm to ,my commands and maybe give me a clue? Thank you and appologies for my english
wow, i just got it myself. amazing how hard you think about something that's so simple…. i was trying to use full length dir. paths in the commands :o… make sure u use the a space between the $ [cmd], that's what was killing me for so long. everthing that has been written in the articles basically tell you how to do this…. suggestion i have yet to see. use your knowledge from previous Basic tasks, this will help out too. hope that's not a spoiler, i don't think it is.
sittingbull wrote: …. make sure u use the a space between the $ [cmd], that's what was killing me for so long.
Heii sittingbul…. thnx!!!!
I solve it but …. the challenge is really &^*%%^%$@###@!!
there is no real unix command interpreter… so every space it counts!! even between the commands…. not even 2 spaces!!! ex: $ chmod a+x XXX/xxx.log is correct… but $ chmod _ _ a+x XXX/xxx.log is not!!! or $ chmod 777 XXX/xxx.log is NOT!!! …. … nice command interpreter…