basic 3 help
try reading articles, reading other threads.. there are plenty of other resources to search up on.
and ok lets see this..
" Now, Drake learned how to make http user agents with php. Wrong user_agent, bwh3_user_agent wasn't found"
something about user agents.
if you cant get it.. move on to something else and come back. you dont need to go in order.
Sorry in advance if this comes out really harsh and mean.
I could be wrong, but you REALLY don't seem like the kind of person who's tried very hard. I mean, the first thing you should do (This should prolly be instinct too) is try to learn when you don't know something. You don't seem like you tried to learn a damn thing by saying 'i dont know what to do' I mean, come on, The least you could've done would be to google user agents…or read an article…or another thread on the forums. It sounds to me like you're saying 'i dont know what to do, so ill just ask someone else for the answer and take credit for it.' Not the way it works. I mean, most of us are up for helping people, but this is a hacking community, not a skiddy community.
Again, srry if that was too harsh.
CaityT3hAw3som3 wrote: Sorry in advance if this comes out really harsh and mean.
I could be wrong, but you REALLY don't seem like the kind of person who's tried very hard. I mean, the first thing you should do (This should prolly be instinct too) is try to learn when you don't know something. You don't seem like you tried to learn a damn thing by saying 'i dont know what to do' I mean, come on, The least you could've done would be to google user agents…or read an article…or another thread on the forums. It sounds to me like you're saying 'i dont know what to do, so ill just ask someone else for the answer and take credit for it.' Not the way it works. I mean, most of us are up for helping people, but this is a hacking community, not a skiddy community.
Again, srry if that was too harsh.
Don't tell me she put more effort in typing that out than you did trying the challenge. Seriously.. you don't even need user agent.. I couldn't do it w/ it. Still don't understand it.. how about- about:config
Yes you can do it without using Fire Fox.
Try thinking where your browser gets its user_agent details?? where does it get the info from ??
.ini file ? registry?? cookie? bois ?? ur mum ??
I know people keep saying this but do try google the answers are there.
Hope this is a nudge in the right direction.
Well, I googled internet explorer user agents, and what do you know, the first link had the answers!
I don't know what browser you're using, but I do suggest you use Firefox. Or at least Opera. Anything that isn't Microsoft related is good. Any browser you use you'll still have to learn how to do these things. Firefox is as simple as about:config, as SwiftNomad said.
I strike this cahllenge as odd, because I changed my firefox user agent to bwh3 like it wants. I can even type about: into the URL bar and it says my user agent is bwh3. But the challenge still says the user agent isent there.
appearently it wants you to do it a different way that I have yet to find out.
DotHacker0 wrote: ok, I dowloaded Firefox, again, it worked but now I dont know how to use the user switcher:xx:
It is pretty easy, just follow these Directions. Tools > User Agent Switcher > Options > Options > User Agents > Add > Type the user agent into the User agent box and just put the same into description above if it says you need a description. Then go back to tools > User Agent Switcher and then you can figure it out from there
If this is too much of a spoiler tell me please lol
I'm astonished how it could be complicated to do challenge even when person posted the direct answer as i see above..i know it probably makes someone laugh:) As i understood(found it also on google),you should write about:config ,so i opened new tab and did so…i could manipulate with smth there and the first line was telling me smth about user set(probably that's the place to set it as i understand).Double clicked it and then everything typed as said here(descr:bwh3 and value:bwh3).The funny thing is that i've tryied several times just for interest typing anything and see if any changes will occur(it didn't,at least obvious ones),so i typed for one desc:1 and for sec try desc:bw3(a bit made mistake),so those two lines are still there,but now i can't put new line with bwh3… What i don't understand is that i found on google such thing: Now press the right mouse button to get the context menu and select "String" from the menu entry "New". Enter the preference name "general.useragent.override", without the quotes. Next, enter the new User Agent value you want Mozilla Firefox to use So i did add that line and a string with a value bwh3,but it still doesn't work when i press refresh what do i miss or don't understand? Probably mixed everything up in that browser what i could:D
I'm astonished how it could be complicated to do challenge even when person posted the direct answer as i see above..i know it probably makes someone laugh:) As i understood(found it also on google),you should write about:config ,so i opened new tab and did so…i could manipulate with smth there and the first line was telling me smth about user set(probably that's the place to set it as i understand).Double clicked it and then everything typed as said here(descr:bwh3 and value:bwh3).The funny thing is that i've tryied several times just for interest typing anything and see if any changes will occur(it didn't,at least obvious ones),so i typed for one desc:1 and for sec try desc:bw3(a bit made mistake),so those two lines are still there,but now i can't put new line with bwh3… What i don't understand is that i found on google such thing: Now press the right mouse button to get the context menu and select "String" from the menu entry "New". Enter the preference name "general.useragent.override", without the quotes. Next, enter the new User Agent value you want Mozilla Firefox to use So i did add that line and a string with a value bwh3,but it still doesn't work when i press refresh what do i miss or don't understand? Probably mixed everything up in that browser what i could:D PS:sry for double posting:|