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Basic 23 is really frustrating

PlusNine's Avatar
120 2

So I've been trying to crack this challenge on and off for weeks now and I'm still not making any progress, I've read up on what RFI is, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what this challenge wants. I've tried to look into how to exploit the vulnerability, it's just that any tips I find on this site or in articles seem to lead to dead ends. It's particularly annoying because I know that it wants a c******, but I cannot figure out how it wants me to inject it at all. I really need some guidance here

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
10 9

Since it's an RFI exploit I expect what this challenge wants is a file from somewhere else.

It doesn't want a c****** either, whatever that is, it wants a s****.

And you dont need to inject anything you just need to tell it where your s**** is located.