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Basic 3 Whats wrong

ghost's Avatar
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I've Just downloaded the firefox Add-on, created the bwh3 user agent then i refresh the page and nothing happens what should i do ? :( What is the appropriate string to add on App Version box ? or just leave it blank ?

clone4's Avatar
Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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you have to change your UA to exactly what is on the basic3 page. After you've changed your UA go to url about: and if that says still mozilla, then something is wrong ! You can change your useragent easily by going to about:config url, adding new string called 'general.useragent.override' with appropriate value ;) and then go to the desired challenge url. to get your UA back, just set that string to default

ghost's Avatar
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clone4 wrote: you have to change your UA to exactly what is on the basic3 page. After you've changed your UA go to url about: and if that says still mozilla, then something is wrong ! You can change your useragent easily by going to about:config url, adding new string called 'general.useragent.override' with appropriate value ;) and then go to the desired challenge url. to get your UA back, just set that string to default Thanks for the help i own you… still didnt found it though :right: