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Basic 12

ghost's Avatar
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Hi I was on Basic 12 a while ago and then figured out how to get the username so I've go 2 Q's for you: 1:Is the Username the same as the pass but just encoded. 2:If so What encryption is it?(I think it's DES) Thanks:)

ghost's Avatar
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No and Yes. :)

ghost's Avatar
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How do I get the Pass then? I've tried =prd/.hpsd and got the username and tried and .has but it it points me to p*d whta should I do?

ghost's Avatar
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What you tried first is all you need. =]

ghost's Avatar
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But that only gives me the Username! The person befor said that the pass and the Username were different.:(:angry:

ghost's Avatar
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basic 12 if I recall correctly has a username:password hash

in the case above the username = username … the password = password. I know I explained this on a previous forum post about this exact same challenge. Just got to read them :P

only the password is encrypted.

ghost's Avatar
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yea so i got the stuff too…. and i got cain and abel like the article said…. but my comp is telling me its gonna take 6 years to crack a thirteen character password. =( how do i specify the parameters of my brute force?:@

ghost's Avatar
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Tip for this and most other challenges. The passwords are usually a word in the english language. Brute force is generally unneeded. Just run a decent sized dictionary against the passwords and you will solve them. JTR with the c&a word list is plenty.

ghost's Avatar
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hi, anyone bruteforcing this hash? how long does it take? my decryption started 1 hour ago…

Chrisk's Avatar
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I got the pass word thing ages ago. just cant get JTR to decypher it on Vista. I can get the thing to load up with the command prompt thigny i just cant get it to read the .txt file with the user:************ in it.