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devilsson2010's Avatar
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I've been trying this stupid mission for a while and I have no clue how to do it. In Firefox with that stupid plugin I put in the following:

User Agent: Mozilla Platform: HellBoundHackersOS

Why won't this work? It's pissing me right the **** off.

clone4's Avatar
Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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the useragent requires specific syntax, dunno what plug in do you use, but you don't need any… just google changing useragent in mozzila, or you can pm me and i will send you how you can change the useragent properly…

shadowls's Avatar
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WHat you are trying seem to be right to me. But if you can't get it still, you can always pm me.

ghost's Avatar
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im assuming the add-on your using would be "user-agent switcher"…. and look at some of the others…. you have (for me):

windows internet explorer 7 (windows vista)

notice thats the agent. and the OS. hope that helps;)