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Already completed

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I keep receiving a message every time I complete a challenge that says I've already completed it, and no points will be given. Does anyone know why I'm getting that message? BTW I don't get the message until I complete the challenge for the first time. Any information would be greatly appreciated and thanks for taking the time to read this.:D

ghost's Avatar
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ZroDrift wrote: I keep receiving a message every time I complete a challenge that says I've already completed it, and no points will be given. Does anyone know why I'm getting that message? BTW I don't get the message until I complete the challenge for the first time. Any information would be greatly appreciated and thanks for taking the time to read this.:D

404: Intelligence not found

seriously use your head

spyware's Avatar
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Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don't look around the eyes and (click) You're under.

You will stop asking stupid questions, turn around and learn more about computing and forum-usage in general before you dare to come back and post something (hopefully) relevant.

Three two oh..

404: Intelligence not found

and by the way, you did the '404' gag last week and it didn't work then. If I were you, I'd drop it. Three Two Oneā€¦


You are back in the thread.

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crazy :right: